Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Politics and hiring decisions

Anonymous wrote:

"New Post 

Are people that apply and deserve School District jobs being passed by because of politics in the district?" 


Mark Rauterkus said...

Politics and nepotism are not the same. Do you really mean politics?

The school district is a 'political' entity that is governed by trustees that are elected.

In some ways, it would be better if the district was MORE pan-political. For example, if a bone-headed decision is made, there would be political accountability and a political back-lash for the bad decisions. We've got a lot of indifference that seems to rule the day often within PPS.

So, what is the question again? And do you have any specific examples to raise?

Anonymous said...

Indifference to EVERYTHING that is EDUCATIONAL. There is absolutely NO indifference to money, millions, to pay for lots of positions and consultants and programs, etc. that have NOT the qualifications, nor knowledge, nor elements to advance education for students! All decisions are made to the advantage of adults! It is a system that is totally INDIFFERENT TO its STUDENTS!!!

Anonymous said...

Nothing has been said about the hiring of Christopher Horne as Principal of UPrep Pittsburgh @ Milliones. Politics? Indifference ? Not qualified ?

What say you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He was a PPS math teacher for 9 years and 5 months, PPS math curriculum coach for 11 months, and an associate principal at Penn Hills for 5 years and 1 month. He has been in the trenches so to speak so this bodes well for UPrep.

Anonymous said...

Since we are talking about the politics and hiring decisions of PPS and if indeed the new hire of Christopher Horne bodes well for UPrep as 10:01 AM seems to think____how is this consistent with 12:41's "Indifference to EVERYTHING that is EDUCATIONAL."

UPrep@Pittsburgh Milliones has been a failing nightmare for PPS and the Hill Community for years. The question is: Does the hire of Mr.Horne indicate a strategy for turning it around or does the hire of Mr. Horne indicate a continuation of the politics of adult agendas?

Interested in 12:41's thoughts and why 9:06 feels it was a "strategic" hire.

Anonymous said...

Lord, I'm just happy they got rid of Derrick Hardy, for crying out loud. This principal has his work cut out for him. Serving the kids of one of our most disenfranchised schools and gaining the trust of a staff that's been marginalized and abused for half a decade. I wish him well.

Anonymous said...

We all need to wish the new principal the very very best and then take it to the next level. Get involved to reverse the conditions in that school. There are some good people there giving all they have but they could use some real help! Those kids will learn anything that they are taught---by people who 'get it'---and there are too few who do. PPS would have better results everywhere---including Allderdice, etc.---if they had more people who knew how to teach and relate to the students in front of them---whomever they might be---and they are not all the clones---alike in every way. Please do some research about how people learn, PPS!

Anonymous said...

Thinking back to what would have happened if after not doing very well on my college organic chemistry exam, I had told the professor "I can learn anything you can teach me!"

I suspect the professor would have said, I could learn it if I was willing to study hard enough and seek out extra help. And that the professor would not have said "I guess I didn't teach you that material."

Anonymous said...

Has anyone checked the races of the hires in PPS over the past year? Indifference to best person for the job?

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone continue to refer to UPrep as a school? That thing has no semblance of education, and this new PRC program is a disgrace. To lure these teachers into believing that Uprep is a good thing where nurturing can take place is delusional. However, karma will cancel out that forced delusion, for these novice teachers will find out what it means to place money over principle, and speaking of principal?

Anonymous said...

Milliones/UPrep/Pittsburgh Milliones/Uprep@PittsburghMilliones---is the Poster Child of failed leadership and achievement and accountability in PPS--- disgracing and betraying all that is 'Education'.

If there are no answers to 4:17's questions---than let's keep having a name change.

Anonymous said...

9:12 here_ then not than.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of 'Education' what counsel does the Hill District Education Council render to PPS and does it have ANY influence/impact over the decision makings at UPrep Milliones in the past decade and/or going forward?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Speaking of politics - I see where retired Jan Ripper who previously (after retirement) was paid to work with the Perry staff, is now Ripper LLC and will be doing educational consulting at Clayton for $22,400. It's nice to retire and get a nice side job with PPS.

Anonymous said...

And that is from September to December 2015, and this is not the first or second time that she was hired as a consultant.

And as Mark Brentley emphasized at the Agenda Review__invaluable, long term, committed and revered consultants like Malcolm Thomas and Bob Christie are paid less than one tenth of that amount for work that gets indelible results for kids!

Anonymous said...

As a taxpayer, I thought the board members were looking out for me by demanding to see quantifiable results for the money paid to consultants, or is that just talk? Can someone point me to the committee meeting video or published report of the results obtained by the consultants hired within the past three years? Although, a set of positive results is easy enough to create when policy diminishes the number of suspensions or disciplinary actions taken by building administration. Applying restorative practices may just make for highly successful consultants.

Anonymous said...

It might be comforting for 11:46 to elaborate on the 'indelible' results for kids exemplified by 'revered' consultants Malcolm Thomas and Bob Christie.

Lets hear more about their body of work and positive results?

Anonymous said...

8-21@ 10:04
While I have no maeningful recollection of Malcom Thomas, I do remember his presence in Reizenstein Middle School. That alone says something for him. Many "consultants" would not venture into the neighborhood. (Special emphasis on hood)
Bob Christi on the other hand, I do remember very well. He came into RMS and worked with the students in House C's Project Pass. These were all at-risk students. Students who were three or more years below grade level in reading and math. Most of these students had no idea how to do anything but watch tv. He worked to change that.
Mr. Christi came several times a week and worked on survival skills. The collimating activity was to take these kids to the Allegheny National forest and camp out over a weekend. In the dead of winter! They camped in tents with sleeping bags. He taught them how to put his skills to work. How to make it through the experience.
Most kids never did anything like this ever before. Camping, hiking, cooking on a camp stove. Most never seen or knew of the Allegheny National Forest. Most had never learned to depend on others, or teamwork. Kids had self pride in their accomplishments. How much is that worth?
We also had a horsemanship program. Students learned cleaning feeding, grooming for starters. Sounds easy? You try it. Muck out a stall while a 900 pound horse is it the area with you. Step it up and learn to saddle and ride. More pride, accomplishment. How much is that worth?
While I don't remember Malcom too well, I don't doubt he had any less an impact on students. What did Ms. Ripper do?

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has seen these two guys at work would never have to ask, More importantly they do what they do because it is who they are. They never look for money or acclaim. Period!

Anonymous said...

The 'unwritten playbook' referenced in this blog and governing the politics in the Pittsburgh African Community and PPS leadership can be sourced in large part to the 'happenings' of one individual highlighted in today's PG editorial--

One person's opinion.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 8:23... more stories such as these that you share are forward leaning.

Anonymous said...

On a somewhat different note: does anyone know why there was so much turnover at pgh. Montesorri? Principle turnover there has been high but this year multiple teachers thought by many parents to be quite good are gone. Insight anyone? It's so hard to get the real story sometimes in pps.

Anonymous said...

Lane stepping down June 2016.

"National search" for her replacement - that's a joke. That would be a waste of taxpayers' money. We all know her replacement is already here.

Anonymous said...

Any anonymous predictions? Who is left that is Broad trained?

Anonymous said...

Donna Micheaux. Mark my words.