Thursday, July 28, 2016

Lots going on

Superintendent's first Board meeting.

Anonymous wrote:

"New post - lots going on in the July Board minutes. New community schools policy approved 5-2, contracts to support a transition team and development of a new strategic plan for the District, and significant HR moves (two EDs leaving, head of PSE named, some school leadership shuffling) 

Thoughts from this group? Positive, negative, or too early to say how things are going? "


Questioner said...

Anonymous wrote:

From the new board minutes-
C. Miscellaneous Recommendations
Approve an employment agreement with Dr. Micheaux from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 at a daily rate of $1,000 and on such other terms and conditions approved by the Solicitor. Total amount not to exceed $48,000. The employment agreement will serve as a novation specifically revoking the consulting agreement with Micheaux Educational Consulting, Inc. approved by the Board on April 27, 2016 (Contract Number OE16034).

Wow! $1,000/day - not to exceed $48,000. This is the gift that keeps on giving. I wonder what she does that warrants $1,000/day? People "retire" and come back and make some big bucks. Let's see who else comes back to "consult." Any guesses? "

Questioner said...

It does seem like a lot of money. Do these consultants have so many other districts trying to hire them, that it takes $1000/day to coax them to work? Something like a billable hours arrangement would make sense. At this point maybe a summary of what is done each day for the money can be provided?

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of cash for a so called educator who once proclaimed, "I don't work directly with children" when appointed as the Dean of Students at a PPS Middle School. She was then given a token appointment as a Central Office staffer. Wonders never cease to amaze! Thompson then assigned Micheaux as Principal of Colfax Elementary. If my memory serves me correctly, Micheaux served one year and resigned promptly when a position at Pitt's LRDC was offered. Once again, a non experienced school administrator who has all of the knowledge regarding how to make a school succeed without ever accomplishing such a task. Give this city taxpayer a break! How is it, that our Board continues to approve consultant contracts with folks who fail to display a proven track record? Certainly there are competent administrators within PPS who can "lead the way!"

Anonymous said...

Hey here we go again throwing out MONEY πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²SERIOUSLY do we really need to spend that type of MONEY for whatever consulting she be doing for PPS not to mention was there any other BIDS DUH?
PPS district taxpayers needs to know what is the GOALS OBJECTIVES and END RESULTS when finish
Meaning there needs to be some ACCOUNTABILITY for reason to pay out this type of πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²
Also who made this recommendation to use her as well that's unbearable to comprehend someone retires than on backside gets a BIG CONTRACT for those amount of πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²requested oh let's sign a contract with UBER to transfers our students being since we don't believe in COST EFFICIENT we like it we buy it

Anonymous said...

10:26 - How many years ago did this all transpire? and Who are these competent administrators within PPS who can "lead the way?"

Anonymous said...

12:16 PM
Good point can't have competent administrators who can lead PPS but there is POWERS TO BE to stop them meaning let's start with the
BOARD members got first to remove their BLINDERS so can see capable administrators can lead PPS in direction need to go

Anonymous said...

There are still board members, parents, and tax payers who still believe the 2006 lie-- only "certain adminsitrators"- like PELAS, or hand- chosen contractors can do the heel clicking at the board-- kind of like-- if they worked for us--they must not be good. Or, if they taught for 20 years effectively- we must get a rookie in to do that job- and let that experienced teacher or administrator that has guided students for years move on to suburban places -- hungry for seasoned staff.

Anonymous said...

Keep your eyes on the Westinghouse/Wilkinsburg merger. A team of "competent administrators" is leading the way in developing and overseeing the creation of the best academic, social, and career programming for these students who are anticipating a great 2016-2017 school year together.

Anonymous said...

12:16, in my experience the best PPS administrators were usually the ones who had years of experience teaching in PPS classrooms. Not a few years of experience, but many years of experience. And teaching experience at a fancy suburb like Bethel Park, that doesn't count.

So I'd say if you're looking for competent PPS administrators, consider promoting from within.

Anonymous said...

Agree with 3:41 NS 3:54-- best principals are TEACHING teachers how to work with students-- they are teachers to the core first of all-- most of our great principals were great teachers- oh yeah alot were also union organizers and saw teaching/ admin/ unions all working for the students-
but yes-- I did notice that Westinghouse has some great leaders working together and making plans for students. Noticed that they dropped uniform requirements for the hs students. Sounds like preparing these students for, and connecting with the world after high school.
By adding Wilkinsburg, students will have more opportunities for varied classes-small high schoolers never made sense for students who needed a variety of opportunities..

Anonymous said...

3:41 - Reflecting on some of the outrageous comments made in a previous blog dated Sunday October 25th 2015. The posting titled:Wilkinsburg merger not a done deal.

Dramatic change in sentiment as we approach the 2016-2017 school year. Daniel Matsook's leadership has been stellar.

Anonymous said...

Please be reminded that Daniel Matsook is not working solo. The team of administrators for this merger also consists of key individuals within PPS central administration along with the building principal who are working together to lay the foundation for the transition events/plans we are reading about in the paper. Just a prime example of what results from the power of collaboration when financial resources and positive mindsets that are invested in students' success are in sync.

Anonymous said...

Forgetting to mention 11:01PM the 16 committees.

" The highest-level committee is the oversight/advisory committee which is composed of state legislators, state department of education personnel, school board members and superintendents.

In addition there is a transition committee with three Pittsburgh Public Schools officials and Mr. Matsook that meets every Tuesday to discuss transition issues.

Underneath those oversight committees are subcommittees to address academics, special education, student services, human resources, communications, curriculum and safety and security.

Curriculum audits are being conducted by the state department of education to narrow any gaps between the coursework in the districts. The two schools are also undergoing safety audits."

Anonymous said...

One might add that the above is a " prime example " for Dr. Hamlet to absorb and follow closely.

Anonymous said...

Thank you 6:25 for being on top of those details so early in the morning. I didn't have ready access to that info reported earlier this summer in the PG so thanks again for posting. Let's all continue to support the success of this merger.

Anonymous said...

Actually, 8:21, the details were accessed from the previous Post titled " Moving Forward."

Anonymous said...

On the topic of Community Schools, I too am concerned about paying for it and hope the overhead is something the district can afford. That board members Wrenn and Kennedy were concerned means something to me. It must work and show results in a big way as early as possible.

Anonymous said...

I'm a veteran PPS teacher. I've seen it all. And there is something I have noticed. Every new central administration has its own little pet project. New Futures, the Pittsburgh Promise, Community Schools, whatever. All were of no value...nothing good happened has in the PPS hallways, or in the PPS classrooms, because of them.

So am I predicting more of the same? Sadly, yes I am. Fancy slogans do not make for orderly classrooms. And without orderly classrooms, learning cannot occur.

Anonymous said...

agreeing with 4:42-- really good schools aren't made by scores, names, or slogans. They are made by administrators and teachers who gather students into calm orderly classrooms, teach what needs to be taught and send them home safely- from day 1 through til the end of the year.
You all know what school looks like-- you dont need a RISE, a PLAN to see kids and teachers working well together

Anonymous said...

I know it feels like we often measure ourselves against other districts and that to many that feels wrong-- We ARE Pittsburgh- and often we have been leaders in many areas of education-
technology prior to 2006, special education, library services, etc. But just a note on the subject of orderly classrooms-- Mt. Lebanon has in their district calendar that their in- service is entitled "classroom management"-- that could be anything but-- maybe actually speaking those words openly would serve us better than constant data review.

Anonymous said...

4:42 in the morning - I'm hanging my hopes on the word 'transformation' and all the verbs that get it done.

Questioner said...

Definitely beware of programs that rely on a name or slogan rather than real substantive efforts ("Accelerated Learning Academies"). But at the same time, do not assume that just because an approach has a name or slogan, that nothing substantive is happening.

Anonymous said...

Well it looks like a new chief of school performance, deputy superintendent, and chief academic officer will likely be involved in any transformations coming down the pike. Those positions, plus chief of human resources are all posted now.

Anonymous said...

Press release not on board page yet-- but new positive boss is the BEST way to start a year--
after other years- I'll take it too!

Anonymous said...

7:29, every new PPS boss says positive things. Why wouldn't they?

But in my 20+ years of PPS teaching experience, none of them has said anything (or done anything) substantial about restoring order in the classrooms and in the hallways. And it almost goes without saying, without order instruction is not possible.

Anonymous said...

Hmm-- I found MR quite abrasive when he did school visits on first day of in-service, and it set the tone for supervisory level to be negative- particularly in schools that had low scores from year before. So hoping his positive attitude filters down-- from the top to the students- who need to feel that optimism of BTS

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:07 your class rooms and hall ways start at the top .Your Admin should be backing you and the teachers should have class room management and not call security because a student will not switch seats or take his hood off .I work at a school were the admin and security work close together and the halls are clear because admin comes out between every period and helps security clear the halls and gets to know the students not just by when they are in there offices for cisalpine and there are hardly any calls to class rooms .If you guys work as a team and do not worry what belfield will do to help you .You should solve your own problems like we do and we have over 1500 students at our school .I am a teacher at one of the best high schools in the district and I plan on retiring from there.