Tuesday, November 22, 2016

A+ Report to the Community

From the PG:



Anonymous said...

with no kids left in school I borrowed a print copy. how is it that absenteeism is still so high? with such high percentages of pps teachers attaining distinguished can we say the gates money was well-spent or is it likely teaching was always strong.

Anonymous said...

with no kids left in school how does teaching become distinguished?

Anonymous said...

8:46 all i meant was that during the last two or three years my kids were in school it was pretty obvious there were many teachers on improvement plans.

Anonymous said...

8:46 was being facetious. With public education in a seemingly downward spire it is not hard to imagine no kids left to teach. Sadly.

Anonymous said...

Yes 7:52- plans were everywhere-- add scripting and we have years of teachers not being creative, innovative, or responsive to students' needs. Then add the attendance factor-- what really do you expect teachers to do when you can hear kids telling the parent what the lie is when you call. Oh and cut back on anything that isnt reading or math, especially in rough schools-everything points to central office issues

Anonymous said...

The buzz-feed out of Wilkinsburg is that the new superintendent, Dr. Linda Iverson is
lasered in on 'instruction' for their two elementary schools, Kelly and Turner Elementary( which are now feeder schools to Westinghouse.) Promising for all.

Anonymous said...


It all depends on what "lasered in on instruction" means here. If Dr. Iverson is going to enforce basic rules to ensure orderly classrooms, and if she is going to allow teachers some flexibility in their instruction, then she well might be successful.

But if she is simply going to demand ever-higher scores from teachers with any meaningful reforms, then this will be just another case of "the beatings will continue until morale improves".

Anonymous said...

With the attendance and racial gap not significantly improving despite focused attention, what more do you think they can do?
I don't get it. Can they legally enforce better attendance and compliance?
This is getting to be unacceptable and we need to see results, not more excuses.

Anonymous said...

12:18 take a peak at Dr. Iverson's resume:http://www.wilkinsburgschools.org/staff-view/dr-linda-j-iverson/

She's in the classrooms!

Anonymous said...

thinking about the A+ report to the Community, it would be helpful if the report included additional info on charter schools. Am I the only one surprised the charters are not doing as well as proponents of charters would lead the public to believe? City High seems to be an exception. I would like to know retention rates and details on kids who leave charters.

it is time to sit up straight and pay attention to what will happen to public education in the next 4 years and do something about it if we can.

Anonymous said...

One perspective 6:54:http://www.post-gazette.com/news/education/2016/12/01/New-study-links-Pa-charter-school-growth-loss-of-district-resources/stories/201612010064

Competition has a way of getting people out of their chairs. Or not.

Anonymous said...

The auditor general deemed Pennsylvania's charter school law among the worst in the nation.

I suppose we should excuse the PDE because they are understaffed, reside in inadequate accommodations at 333 Market St. and have no ability to hold their 500 school districts accountable.

Anonymous said...

With more 'say' going to the states and local municipalities in structuring a road map for learning I would agree with 6:54am that the leadership in these two entities have been 'slouching' in their chairs.

Anonymous said...

It seems that even pure reform has become tired of all the game and false reports from the Board of Education. Very sad indeed.

Questioner said...

No, we will never give up!