Wednesday, December 14, 2016

New principal at Perry

Anonymous wrote:


Another appointment is the new principal of Perry - James Cooper-an office principal - all about the show & meetings with community- -any substance to him? "


Anonymous said...

We never see Cooper- he is always in a meeting Seniors think he is afraid of them - he allows them to talk bad to him He is close to Hamlet- he brought him here- so no one says a word The community likes meeting with him but he is not present in the halls at least the VP's are there for us

Anonymous said...

A bad leader can take a good staff & destroy it causing the best it flee & those left to lose all motivation

Anonymous said...

Who ? Please my child complained about a teacher that harassed her & he never even called us! This school came to be in order with the last principal Shakey but this guy is not there for us

Anonymous said...

Chaos - this principal lacks leadership - he is a showboat office guy - anyone out there- help!