Tuesday, December 12, 2017

CAPA auditions and admissions

From the PG:


Sunday, December 3, 2017

Where's the strike?

Anonymous wrote:

"New Post: PICKET THE UNION. Where's the strike? The union leaders are behind the deliberate delay. I guarantee you that Nina Esposito will say she can't strike because teachers need money for Christmas; after Christmas, she will say everyone's broke, so teachers can't strike then; in March, she will say that PSSA preparation and PSSA testing is no time to strike because it will hurt the STAR BONUSES for teachers. After the PSSA tests, she will say that it's the end of the year and teachers need money for the summer. Follow the pattern. She will never strike until she can retire first. Again, I am calling for the picketing outside of the UNION. They are the circle of traitors. Yes, I am calling for the picketing of own union. If you love money, don't care about other teachers, have no self- respect, and are so gullible to believe that you have a career, stay in this so- called district. You fit perfectly."

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Are victims required to participate in restorative justice?

Anonymous wrote:

"I actually want to start a new post but I don't know how.

My child was assaulted by another student. I don't want my child participating in a restorative justice process. I just want my child separated from this other child and for the school rules to be enforced. What are the parents' rights in regards to their child's nonparticipation in a restorative justice process? "