Sunday, February 18, 2018

State of the Pittsburgh Promise

Anonymous wrote:


New Post:Buying into the Pittsburgh Promise.

When PPS can boast 90% proficiency in the minmum basic competency skills required to be taught and learned in its schools - only then will the community 'buy-in' to the Promise.
Pittsburgh struggles with its self-image because it's schools are failing. "


Questioner said...

The article states,

"When we launched, the board and staff relied on the best financial forecasting models and consulting advice available to design a road-worthy plan."

Surely these consultants advised that the students with the lowest income might receive free tuition and possibly free board and books as well, and that some students would attend low cost schools. So, the surprise and need to make changes to account for this situation is just not believable.

In terms of the results claimed for the program- it is very difficult to get real data to back up the claims. Selective data may be provided, but when specific information that would best show the effect (or lack of effect) of the Promise is requested, it is either not collected, or "not yet available" to be released.

Anonymous said...

Reality check: we are going to hear a lot about "poor results" in the coming days. Please dear public--get off your couch and talk to real kids-- most city kids have a different mindset than the schools you are comparing. Did your suburban counterpart watch them literally mopping up blood this week? (U Prep) or even see the Chief of Security in their building all day (U Prep)
Is their after school job way more important than college prep?
Are the kids really in school to " get lunch" or learn something?
The reality of PPS is way different-- accept there ate differences-- an help the kids and teachers
The teachers are every bit as good as other districts

Anonymous said...

The only thing that Pittsburgh can Promise is that the City of Pittsburgh and their school district are very good at spending other people's money.

Anonymous said...

Talking about donating money, did the district really pay Pittsburgh Magazine $30,000 to put our Supt.'s picture on the cover? Do we have any documented results from those Professional Development trips that cost $400,000?

That money could have done a lot more than what it was used for.

Anonymous said...

I haven’t heard anything about PPS paying for his magazine cover? Do you really think this is true? I wouldn’t put anything past those jokers at this point. They will claim to be in a state of financial distress at the next contract negotiation meeting, though.