Sunday, March 30, 2014

West End schools for sale

On another post Anonymous wrote:

"The Sunday PG carries an article on the schools in the western area of the city up for sale. I am sure this is difficult for the people who attended these schools or worked in these buildings.

What is the right thing for education here? Small schools, neighborhood schools, mega schools?"


Questioner said...

Certain areas of the West End are low cost and close to downtown; a good prospect for some of the 20,000 Pittsburgh hopes to attract, but neighborhood schools would make a huge difference. Maybe one of the buildings will become the next Propel.

Anonymous said...

If we are going to go the way of more universal preschools, they need to be in neighborhoods. We cant travel 4 yr olds across the city

Questioner said...

On another post Anonymous wrote:

"I hope this link works. Minedeo was once one of the better schools. Read the last weeks parent update after a meeting. It is depressing."

The link that was included does not work- can we get a better one?

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more about Minedeo. My first child went through the school with Principal Getty. She had a way with the children, staff and parents. Now, I'm so glad my last one has moved on. When Principal Getty was replaced the parents just could not understand the rationale. After she retired the school went down fast.