Anonymous wrote:
"New post please
Interesting article about charter schools with specific mention of Broad/Gates style "reform" and it's harmful effects on black children. "
Saturday, August 13, 2016
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Do you know what black students in the PPS need? It's the same things that white and brown students in the PPS need: orderly classrooms and a no-nonsense, traditional curriculum.
Black students - all students, actually - are not served by the latest alternative discipline fads, and they are not served by the latest teaching fads.
But since the days of Mark Roosevelt, the PPS School Board has embraced fads. And scores have gone down, and Pittsburgh's state ranking has gone down. I see no change anytime soon, especially with the hiring of this latest, fad-oriented superintendent.
If i were currently a Pittsburgh parent - black, white, whatever - I'd be looking hard at charter schools, private schools, etc. The PPS has had it's chance. And it has failed.
The article concludes with the author stating-"A more effective strategy is to build a power base for the black community through quality black-led educational institutions."
The question is: Where is the "quality" black leadership in PPS? Are we building an effective power base with the likes of a Bernie Taylor?
12:49-- you are correct on so much but you asre being mislead by the Broad/ Gates folk
Yes Black students, and all the rest in PPS deserve orderly classrooms, and solid curriculum.
But buying the fad of charter schools is buying from the snaske oil salesmen. These hustlers have a plan-- and it is to destroy public education and replace it with their for profit hustle. You couldnt sell this stuff in the suburbs because they wont buy:
*public schools bad-- off to charters
*seasoned teachers who know their subjects and students bad/ hire rookies that can be intimidated into script because of evaluations
*the selling of "the script"- instead of having own seasoned teachers figure out what the requirements are and how to get there-- example-- when common core came in-- without debating- two suburban school district that I know of sat their teachrs down in the summer and both realized- same goals- some year changes -i.e. some things in 3rd grade were pushed up to 4th, others went back. That is a teacher's job to see it and change it-- not some consultant who has never been in the classroom
* the idea that we have no scholarship in urban schools-- have they met our African American and all AP students, and CAS students-- these kids KNOW the value involved in "getting the learning in hs while it is free" - talk to them-- they are smart
*It is not a coincidence that they are selling Teach for America in urban areas-- no one in the suburbs( some of which have the same percentage of poor students - as figured by lunch prograsms etc. as our city). But no one in these suburbs is going to buy the quickie super teacher as opposed to those receiving a traditional education.
* a fad is-- well if you dont like your teacher this year you can go to charter school, or home school- as opposed to let's work things out with public schools as our grandparents did
Yes I too am disappointed that right now Dr. Hamlet is signing on with the hustlers-- but we all have representation on the board- and if this board would rise up against Broad/Gates-- in the way a former board embraced it-- we as residents could influence the trend. Remember when board members got dozens of phone calls about an issue( before emails were prominent)-- so bombard them with complains if there is a problem with your neighborhood school (looking at UPrep) .
Yes alot of people called it "micromanaging" our schools- but hey- it beats NO managing and selling out
What blinders do the current black leaders have on that they are unable to "embed" your solutions for UPrep?
Indeed 8:23, our African American and all AP students, and CAS students know the value involved in "getting the learning in hs while it is free"-have talked to them and they are smart- and they will ultimately decide their futures - and be the "quality" leaders for the black, brown and white communities going forward.
Effective black, brown and white leadership:
To Aug. 14, 8:23
Aug. 14, 12:49 here. What you said is correct. And I'm an experienced PPS teacher. I have taught CAS. And I have broken up bloody hallway fights.
Yes, it's possible that the Broad/Gates plan really is to destroy public schools. But what would you say to a PPS parent? Send your children to a failing district, and then just wait, and hope that eventually the PPS will improve?
There are many hidden gems in the PPS. But overall, the PPS is a failing district. The new school board and the new superintendent...neither one is sending out signals that things will really change. All I'm hearing is the usual slogans. And I've heard that all before.
So unless you could get your kid into CAPA, I would advise any PPS parent to look hard at non-PPS alternatives.
I still feel that our comprehensive high schools-- and CAPA provide AP and CAS students the most preparation for their next steps-- so TA, Brashear, Carrick, Sc- Tech-- keep those kids making gains--and may someone help poor U Prep to find its way
Was supposed to be the flagship school.
August 15, 2016 at 7:07 AM here.
Sorry, August 15, 2016 at 4:47 PM, my first response to you evidently didn't take. So I'll try again. Yes, you are right. Pittsburgh's AP and CAS programs are first-rate. I should have mentioned them in my original post.
Overall, the Pittsburgh School District is failing. But the AP and CAS programs are exceptions to that statement. They are gems, as the Scholar's program once was.
Over the past few days I've tried, twice, to post a respectful response to August 15, 2016 at 4:47 PM. I wanted to agree with his/her assessment about AP and CAS. Neither of my posts were accepted. Yet all sorts of contentious Clinton vs. Trump posts are appearing on the "Clinton and Broad/Gates" thread.
I don't understand this. So I am done with Pure Reform. I have tried to add value here with my posts, but I guess I'm doing something wrong. So I will not post again. It's very frustrating to spend the time to post something, and then pass the robot test, only to see no results.
I don't expect this comment to be posted. And that's OK. I bear no ill will towards Pure Reform. You are doing an important job, and I hope you keep it up.
Sorry, not finding those posts.
Double checked- see if it's there now. Sometimes comments get buried in a mountain of email.
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