Thursday, August 4, 2016

UPrep administration

Anonymous wrote:

"New Post Please

Pittsburgh Public Schools are bringing the same administrators back to UPREP after last year 10 employees took a leave of absence from stress, a riot, employees seriously injured, and parents pulling their kids out of the school for their safety."


Anonymous said...

Keep using the same old ADMINISTRATION UPREP will nothing change so don't be SHOCK when business as usual continue from
the last SCHOOL YEAR folks meaning at this point of time not really SERIOUS about bringing new STAFF for now all talk you know who you are the HATERS still lurking around OOPS did I say something WRONG.

Anonymous said...

I believe they are bringing on a new director so not all is the same at least from that aspect.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone understand August 4, 2016 at 3:11 PM, If you can please translate. HATERS? If telling the truth is being a HATER? This school should be shut down! The Pittsburgh Public Schools are now a failure! The problem is that they hire by politics! Show credentials and experience! All the old staff left, get it right.

Anonymous said...

These are the scores. What a lie!

Anonymous said...

This year any corruption please report to:

1100 G Street, NW Suite 500
Washington, DC 20005

Phone: (202) 347-1122
Fax: (202) 347-1116


Anonymous said...

I dare the Pittsburgh Public Schools to list everyone's credentials,education and experience for every single employees job! Let's see who should not be in their current job! Politics!

Anonymous said...

Bernie Taylor, brother or Randall Taylor,has returned to Pittsburgh and has been assigned to UPREP as a "Director". What are the qualifications for the position of "Director"?
Has he been in PA or in another state with CCSS rather that PA Core Standards?

Anonymous said...

Why is Bernie Taylor going from a superintendent of schools to a director? Come on PPS, someone else's dirty laundry again. Politics!

Anonymous said...

hmmm could "combative" be a qualification ?

Anonymous said...

It's not so much a question as to whether or not Bernard Taylor knows CCSS or PA Standards! This man has been let go from two school districts. Now please, another set of blinders for PPS? At a school where the right mix of experienced and committed administrators is needed?? What universe am I in right now???

Anonymous said...

12:15, I was expecting so much from the new PPS Board. But it seems like they are making the same types of errors as before. It's puzzling, and depressing.

Anonymous said...

7:03 The position of Director is basically a co-principal so one would assume principal certification is a requirement. Otherwise, like Tony Asoldo, Taylor will assist Horne in all administrative duties relating to the staff and students.

Anonymous said...

Surely your not that naïve 12:15? One only has to look with clear eyes at our presidential candidates to have a measure of the 'universe' we live in.

Anonymous said...

I really find it hard to believe they are bringing Bernie Taylor back. He must really have some GOOD Friends at PPS because yes he was let go from two other districts.
I wonder if they have ever hired a teacher who was let go from two other districts.
I think not.

Anonymous said...

He was in a consultant role last year- things were a little calmer-- since he wasnt here during the "your fired!" brand of evaluations - people saw him as better

Anonymous said...

New Post Please

The new Director of UPREP is Bernie Taylor who was fired as a superintendant from another school district. When will the people become qualified and politics stop! Please read: This is how the PPS is caring for your children!Parents fight for what is right!The PPS needs investigated by a Superior Judge! Parents call the news stations, papers, write Harrisburg. Demand!If you were fired or lack education you are not qualified!

Write letters to:
Pennsylvania Education
333 Market St, Ste 9, Harrisburg, PA · (717) 787-7808
Education Department

About all PPS matters!

Anonymous said...

NO one wants to work at uprep!

Anonymous said...

The PPS politics are repulsive! Hiring unqualified people! Now they hire their brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, people that have records, unqualified, no proper college education. I also notice that the PPS is becoming all black. What arents whites, chinese, eqyptian and other ethnics being hired that are qualified? If you are in charge or working with children you need a clear background check, a leader, highly liked, college educated, not fired, common sense.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Horne who failed UPREP last year and Bernie Taylor whom was fired as a superintendant from another district will be running your childrens school this year. The PPS failed the children that attend uprep!

Anonymous said...

1:04, as I'm sure you know, it's not about who's best for the position. And it's not about who's best for the students. Good people get fired, and hacks get promoted. If you want examples, I've got a hundred.

It's all about who's best for political reasons...who is related to who, and who makes the best public relations story. Patronage and image, that's all that matters.

Anonymous said...

I got my child out of prep last year i walked in the building a big size man security guard sat there and said go ahead did not check me or anything.

Anonymous said...

School is getting ready to start, and Perry's principal, Dennis Chaky, has just been hired at Gateway HS as an assistant superintendent. This speaks to continuity or lack of it in PPS. I wonder who will replace him at Perry at this late date?

Anonymous said...

It speaks volumes to the fact that our seasoned professionals are hired by suburban districts every year, while Broad/Gates etc tells the public that rookies are what our students need and that tenured professionals arent important for "our students"- just theirs! And you are only hearing about high profile people-- I cant begin to count the number of teachers, who hold administrative credentials but get passed over because they arent "script material" so they too go off to be respected administrators in suburban districts. Ask yourselves WHY our board keeps being instructed by "consultants" to get rid of strong teachers and administrators- and the parents buy this?

Anonymous said...

PELA has been out of existence for a while so maybe teachers with administrative credentials will now be given the opportunity to shine and move into high ranking positions. Let's hope!

Anonymous said...

Problems at Prep already. Kids out of control. Swearing at Mr. Horne. Telling the security to shut up they run prep. Same old thing.

Anonymous said...

What's the real shame about that 12:25 is that these are ninth graders who are new to the school. They haven't had prior contact with this administration before now. It speaks to the vibes of
poor student-adult relationships and lack of positive school culture as being a constant. What will happen when returning students enter the building on Monday? Such a tragedy for these young people. How many more years of education are they going to lose?? How is Bernard Taylor making an impact???

Anonymous said...

Correction from 11:03...
I just remembered that UPrep is a 6-12 school so those 9th graders know the deal, unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Fights at uprep today, my daughter came home crying scared to return Monday. These are kids from all grades she said. What do I do? We live in the hill? Who do I call that will help?

Anonymous said...

The parents need to insist that Dr. Hamlet come to UPrep on Monday morning and speak to the entire student body. This school should be his number one priority. His skills in turning school climates around need to be applied in full force and immediately

Anonymous said...

Who does 5:19 call for help??

Anonymous said...

HDEC-This is your community. Where is the help-line for this parent and child? For what reason does the Hill District Education Council exist if not for this?
Lord have mercy.

Anonymous said...

HDEC's web site lists Celeta Hichman( 412-621-3341) as the parent organizer for Milliones UPrep. Not sure how current the updates are for the web site.

Anonymous said...

Be sure that your call for help to HDEC is also made known to the Superintenent's office and the Board. According to a news article in this morning's Tribune Review ("Schools,students transition") Dr. Hamlet and new Wilkinsburg super will be at Westinghouse on Monday morning. By the way, Westinghouse's first day with 9th graders occurred without incident. Let's keep our children in prayer!

Anonymous said...

An idea-- I know everyone cant do this--because of jobs, little ones to launch etc-- but lots of parents accompany their kids on Day 1-- if enough are there looking admin right in the eye when they accept disrespect, maybe they will change--it certainly would rattle a grown man when a kid is cussin' at them and they are standing quietly.

Anonymous said...

11:06-Does HDEC and the Superintendent's office and the Board have a working relationship? If not, why not?

Anonymous said...

I don't know. If they don't, they should. Dr. Hamlet and the Board need to know about and interact with the community resources and neighborhood organizations that are trying to support their schools.

Anonymous said...

Impressed with the planning and hard work that has gone into the transition challenge for Wilkinsburg students. In the Print addition of the PG was a photo taken by Darrell Sapp. A towering tree with strong roots that keep it grounded and branches arching over all that walk under stands proudly in the foreground of Pittsburgh Westinghouse 6-12. May each stand tall going forward.

Anonymous said...

Re:BTW 11:06

A sincere thank you to Daniel Matsook and all those guided by his leadership in undertaking and meeting the vision of this Partnership for our children.

May Anthony Hamlet and Ms. Iverson complement each other as take over the reigns.

Anonymous said...

oops- forgot to include the article:

Anonymous said...

I think Daniel Matsook joined the PPS team when much of the planning for the merger was already underway. The blessing is that all those minds came together on one accord...the creation of successful educational programming for Westingouse and Wilkinsburg students - a common sense goal that should be the basis for every PPS decision!

Anonymous said...

If you read the article...."But a month later, Wilkinsburg school board members and then -acting superintendent Dan Matsook traveled to Harrisburg to meet with state Education Secretary Pedro Rivera to talk about the possibility of sending its middle/high school students to another district."

"They were interested in finding a hero," recalled David Volkman, executive secretary in the Education Department."

Mr. Matsook was at the helm from the beginning.

Anonymous said...

You have it all wrong. Read the article carefully. Wilkinsburg initially approached Penn Hills and Woodland Hills school districts but both rejected the idea with no public discussion.

Anonymous said...

Reading and comprehension skills are 'common sense' goals.

Anonymous said...

This is an important story to follow and the students are front and center in this partnership.
If they can 'partner' with one another, then the sky is the limit.

It begins today.

Anonymous said...

To 1:17, 1:23, & 1:47
The comment posted at 12:03 PM was not based on that article in the PG. Actually I should have, but didn't have the chance to read it before posting (BTW, nice comprehension and reading skills jab 1:47...)

Anyway, the post was made based on information gained from another source.

Either way, this team of adults seems to have an intelligent and effective understanding of "common sense goals."

It's about getting it right for the children - not personal attention.

Let's all just take a deep breath and relax.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to the Westinghouse Merger school-- back to U Prep-- fantasy perhaps, but it seems that our online conversation may have gotten some things happening-- though- could have been pre-planned-- but Dr. Hamlet visiting U Prep after Westinghouse, Sala Udin-- parents welcoming certainly seemed to ease the tensions with the entire school arriving. Thanks to parents and community for joining the staff and students to kick off a good year! Please keep being present.

Anonymous said...

The Westinghouse principal is a woman! Women make great leaders!