Thursday, October 26, 2017

Teachers' union/ "Win a trip for two"

Anonymous wrote:

"New comment: "Win a trip for two". That's what Nina Esposito sent out to all of her members. You read that correctly. Win a Spring Break trip for two and get a $2,000 voucher to take to any travel agency. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Can Esposito be this incompetent and this brazing to think that one teacher winning a trip for two will make hundreds of teachers who are being cheated out of their step increases, who are forced to do more work than any other group of teachers on the planet, and who are being hit with verbal assaults, punches, and now bricks,forget about the embarrassing,inhuman,macabre, introverted persona that a Pittsburgh Public School teacher must take on daily? Esposito, do us a favor, jam the raffle box with slips of paper that just have your name on it and take Harold Grant and Bill Heilmann with you. "

- What exactly do teachers need to do to be eligible for the raffle?


Anonymous said...

What were the arbitration results? No news has been released.

Anonymous said...

EVERY PFT member should be getting a free trip with what the union is doing to the teachers. Pay $5.00 to enter when the union is suggesting that athletic coaches get a 10% raise while teachers who have to cover classes for coaches when they leave for their event get a 2% raise. I'm not complaining about the raise as I feel that we as teachers make good money, but REALLY....sports getting that kind of a raise when our job is to educate/teach children?!?!??! We may be able to recruit great coaches because of the 10% raise, but what kind of teachers are you going to recruit when you suggest changing the steps to 15 to reach the top. I still enjoy what I'm doing in the classroom, but there are some really rough days!

Another thing....Nina proclaimed Fridays as being wear your blue in support, but a school decided that they wanted their Friday to be Steeler themed (it doesn't matter to me, if you want Friday to be blue day, Steeler day, or school spirit day) Honestly, I'm not sure what wearing blue does. My point is is that our leader, who is to be looking out for our best interest is too wishy washy. She made a statement and now is caving because one school wants to be different. Nina--you are representing ALL the schools. YOU need to make decisions (AND stick be them) for all the schools.

Anonymous said...

Look, Esposito only wants you to wear blue because she is terrified, so she is placing the onus on the teachers, thereby trying to get teachers to forget about her and cast their aspersions on the district.

Anonymous said...

Well said- teachers are so naive and selfish. They are forgetting the one repulsive item in the district that should be #1 on the table: disgusting, inhuman student behavior. Instead, teachers are only talking about money. Pride, the deadliest sin rears its head again, as if they are really teaching, instead of yelling, crying the blues about behavior, and crying. Now, because a contract is up, teachers all of a sudden become emboldened to express toughness.

Anonymous said...

Re: Raises for coaches Parent perspective: Stop stealing from my child!! Not money, of course. I don't care who makes what amount of money. My kid is missing out on valuable learning time when his teacher leaves his classroom. Getting a teacher to cover for a coach is baloney unless that teacher can teach the class.

Anonymous said...

Trust me, there's no learning going on in these asylums, except of course for CAPA, Allderdice, and some of Sci-Tech. Also, this is grade school and high school. Relax, don't act as if every day denotes learning. You think learning occurs daily in college? Please, head up to any campus from Wednesday night on and visit the bars and private parties, nerd!

Anonymous said...

Agree. We at Uprep this year dealt with a teacher assault, a teacher get their car stolen by a student, and a large number of fights. The VP got seriously injured breaking up a large fight in the cafeteria. Teachers get blamed for these unruly students, and the district does nothing about it. Makes me sick