Wednesday, September 10, 2008

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Anonymous said...

Promises, Promises

What is your take on the promises made to the Schenley family? Is the administration doing a decent job of following through on what has been promised? Is transportation working? How about sports and activities? What about our freshman class at Frick?

Anonymous said...

Why are the stakeholder's in our public schools (parents, students and teachers) being ignored during the reform process? It seems to me that while meetings are held and committees are being formed to "gather community input", these meetings/committees are a sham, with decisions already being preordained by the district before any meetings are held or committees' recommendations reviewed. Case in point: the newly formed committee to determine where the IB program will be located. The committee was told that Reizenstein and Schenley buildings are off the table and that only Westinghouse and Peabody can be considered. With Westinghouse being located in a neighborhood perceived as unsafe, that leaves Peabody, which is, I believe, where the district wanted the IB program to be located all along. Viola! Community input manipulated to get the outcome that the district wanted in the first place!

Anonymous said...

I feel the PURE Reform website sould not promote ANY A+ school event or meetings. I feel it is promoting them. I think PURE reform needs to remain netural.

Anonymous said...


What does everyone think about this and about our board members who I personally feel are brainwashed and simply rubberstamping everything.

ammo said...

I hope to have an abbreviated version of the Schenley PSCC minutes on the blog no later than Monday. The meeting was over 2 hours long and my "official" minutes were 3 pages; much of it not really related to reform issues.

Anonymous said...

This might fit the category of Promise, Promises but I think it deserves its own heading: Sports at Schenleystein.

I heard from another parent that there were problems getting the boys from UPrep to soccer and that they just started last week. Is it true that we don't have enough boys to field a jv soccer game? What were the numbers last year? I know that the ESL students would be lost but have we lost more than that? One of our concerns with the all-IB school is the loss of sport opportunities. Will sports die out completely with the smaller schools? Does anyone know if other sports at Schenley have been affected?