Anonymous wrote:
"New post please.
Just when I thought I'd heard it all, Amanda Godley from A+ schools wrote a letter to the PG as a "concerned parent" comparing the Hamlet supporters to Donald Trump. Also, she does not disclose her affiliation with A+ schools in the letter. Ridiculous. The only upside of this is the notion that maybe they're getting scared they won't get their way on this one. Here is the link. "
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
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A rally is defined as "a mass meeting of people making a political protest or showing support for a cause." So yes, there will probably be some "shouting," if only so that the mass of people can hear what is being said. A Plus did not succeed in attracting a mass of people, so there was no need to shout.
At the public hearing itself, Board President Regina Holley set ground rules for courteous behavior and at no point were speakers interrupted, delayed, or otherwise prevented from delivering their testimony. Video of the event is to be made available. While it is true that pro-Hamlet/ pro-Board speakers received enthusiastic and vigorous applause and vocal approval, the same was true for speakers in support of the district's new policies for trans gender students.
She uses the words "inflammory rhetoric" to describe the things the Hamlet supporters were saying. The same words that were used to warn against Trump in the news a few days earlier in response to his proposed ban on Muslims.
"Top Republican warns that Donald Trump's inflammatory rhetoric could help recruit more terrorists"
Really? Calling A+ schools "corporate reformers" which is true should not be equated with the kinds of things Trump says. That is low even for A+ Schools.
They are absolutely corporate reformers! They have agreed with every corporate reform that has come along and where has it gotten us? Few if any people who do not stand to profit from those reforms support those ideas, as the sparse attendance at their rally shows.
2 comments on the P-G website regarding her letter:
Evans D Moore Jr.14 minutes ago
Really Amanda? What have you done in the last 10 years to improve life and learning for PPS students? This is a joke. We had signs but no one got shouted anyone down your telling a BOLDFACE LIE. So here you are embellishing which is what your acusing our superintendent of doing. Let's talk democracy; we had 100 people at our rally in support of the Boardand moving forward and A plus schools ( your organization) had about 15 people. Inside at the hearing 29 people spoke in favor of moving forward while 13 were in favor of going backwards. You don't respect or care for having a democratic process. You want get rid of our elected board, you want to get rid of tenured teachers, and your in favor of drill and kill testing! Corporate reform. the minute anybody stands up to Pittsburgh's privileged we get called thugs. Well I'm no thug but I will HOLD THE LINE against corporate reform. we can easily debate this publicly if you'd like Amanda?
Reply 0
J Coli8 hours ago
Aren't you on the board of directors of A+ schools? Do you seriously consider calling a group of people corporate reformers "inflammatory" rhetoric? Are you really so desperate that you are going to compare the PFT and GPS Pittsburgh to Donald Trump? That is really a stretch.
Regarding the 13 in favor of "going backwards"- many if not most of those people were primarily there for another issue, usually wanting renovations/ more space at Colfax; they added "start a new search" but few stayed at the hearing very long to hear the perspective of other commentators.
I find it interesting that she mentioned she is the parent of two students, but failed to mention that she is on the Board of Directors of A+ Schools.
Absolutely 8:45. As in the first PG comment, I agree that she is guilty of what she feels disqualifies Hamlet for the position- embellishing and manipulating the facts not to mention her strategy of omission rather than commission. Oh yeah, she's a real fine adult model of integrity!!
Full disclosure in letters to the editor is essential. Why is she hiding?
Perhaps she is writing as a concerned parent.
There were people testifying at the hearing not part of a group but who were concerned individuals who were heckled.
I think everyone here commenting needs to put away the claws and perhaps come together with civility and discuss the concerns.
There are a number of different misunderstandings and the waters are getting muddy.
Reed is raising money for five board members up for reelection next year. Who are the five members up for reelection?
Odd numbered districts Wilson sumpter Kennedy falls klug
Has anyone ever examined why an organization that ostensibly exists mainly for the benefit of African American students (see the A Plus website, "our focus") has so little support among African Americans?
All I got to say is Build A WALL AROUND A + ORGANIZATION
Yes who is up for reelection good point
Oh get rid of BOARD let BOARD of STATE CONTROL oversee PPS meaning A+'SCHOOLS would have LIMITED influence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
State Board of Control will only take over a district in financial distress. Pittsburgh Public has money NOW. What the Board doesn't have is common sense and there are no "takeover" options for that.
City school board hiring PR firm CHANGES the dialogue. Very interesting move.
Why? Board members are volunteers and if something starts to take more than the time they budgeted they have a right to outsource. We certainly have seen many at Pps outsourcing the jobs they were PAID to do.
Why? Strategically , if the board has decided to keep Dr. Hamlet the news story continues. A communications firm framing the story is to the boards advantage.
If he were to be fired it becomes a one day story .
If you can read the tea leaves ,it looks like Dr. Hamlet is here to stay.
Smart move Ms. Holley in hiring a PR firm to guide the narrative moving forward.
Interesting that Ms. Huss (Huss Communications PR Firm) was a member of Mayor Peduto's transition team.
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