Sunday, June 26, 2016

Don't let big money and sold-out media ruin Pittsburgh's promise

A blog reader passed this on to us:


Here's an excerpt:

While the Post-Gazette is complicit in this scheme to defame and destroy Dr. Hamlet, the real enemy here, as always, is A+ Schools. They simply cannot pursue their Gatesian agenda with a superintendent who believes in community schools. They need one who believes in firing teachers. They can’t pursue their agenda if the superintendent believes in collaboration rather than stacked ranking. And they can’t pursue their agenda of closing schools and turning them into charter profit factories if the narrative in our schools shifts away from “achievement” being measured by high stakes tests. Simply put, Anthony Hamlet is not their style, and they can’t stand that Pittsburgh’s community, through real grassroots activism and real community empowerment, elected a school board which genuinely engaged its community in a selection process that produced a once-in-a-lifetime superintendent selection.


Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT! The one outstanding thing that fair minded people have going for them today is that we have had 10 years of Broad/ GATES/Roosevelt nonsense-- we KNOW how bad it can get-- we saw who all could sell us out. Today we can speak out against the foundations, against corporate greed, and even against our own leaders if they are in league with those making money off urban students ( cut to Nina saying "dont you just love RISE?" and teachers saying a resounding NO and being ignored. It did nothing for students!!
And yes there will be kool-aid drinkers in every building. But I am personally impressed that parents and other citizens now "get it"
A+ is a paid schill. We need our own paid group (union) to join with the now thinking board, and parents, taxpayers to do for the students! At one time, admin joined with union ( asking teachers to get union invovled in issues etc) when it benefitted THE STUDENTS!

Anonymous said...

A+ and its Board Watch program really turned me off and I stopped paying attention to them. Even participating in the forums they had in partnership with the district where they did surveys where we used clickers to give responses which could them be reported and shared on the spot made me suspect of their motives. Each question was written to suggest a response which was part of their plan already.

Anonymous said...

Next Board elections we have to make sure Cate Reed's candidates don't get in! The Board must stay strong and united - no jumping ship and giving in to the outside interest groups.

Anonymous said...

Jody Spolar is retiring 9/1/16. It will be interesting to see who replaces her. She has certainly been a key player in PPS. If she would write a tell all book, it would be a bestseller for sure! I wonder if the fact that her husband is employed by the Post-Gazette influenced their slanted reporting?

Questioner said...

Here's a cautionary article from today's New York Times about privatization- "When you call 911 and Wall Street answers"

Anonymous said...

Well let's out source PPS ADMINISTRATION and BOARD PG and we want have to worry about anyone SELLING OUTfor 💰💰💰💰💰💰

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much he truly believes in working with teachers when he told Capa students if they have a problem with a teacher to let him (Hamlet) know

Anonymous said...

You did see that part of hamlets plan is to basically continue with the gates money. "Previous grants of success" looks like the groups who wanted a gates man got it.