Monday, June 27, 2016

Enough already, PG

Anonymous wrote:

"Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Don't let big money and sold-out media ruin Pittsb...": 

New Post Please

New PG article

Seriously? Let it go, PG. This isn't news. "


Questioner said...

The bias is also shown where the paper chooses to quote someone who says "it was only a couple of sentences" when the PG knows very well that a single sentence is involved. This quote also says something about the level of knowledge of the person quoted- clearly not much time or thought given.

If the PG could have found an authority who believed citations are needed in resumes, it would have.

Anonymous said...

Front page no less!

Anonymous said...

Here we go again there was Error in the PPS financial statements πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²πŸ’²in which the Pa Auditor had found
Yet the papers did not make it a big DEAL meaning PG where were you did you STOP THE PRESS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

For a long time the PG was criticized for either overlooking the negative, whitewashing many situations or painting only positive images of PPS so it is hard to accuse them of going negative on the hamlet topic. That said, I hope they are even-handed. What I really do not understand are folks like Esther Bush categorizing this as a racial issue. I have seen reporting that indicates that but no explanation of how it could be so.

Questioner said...

No Pps overlooks the negative on anything with foundation support- that is still the case.

Not sure what Esther Bush said but did anyone check mark roosevelts resume, or was it just assumed to be correct? Was his philosophy "all children can learn at high levels" checked for proper attribution?

Anonymous said...

What is missing from all of this is a compelling well reasoned informative argument as to why Hamlet was chosen ?
What moved nine elected school board members to unanimously select him as PPS next superintendent?

What did Hamlet bring to the interview process that was absent in his press conference?

His press conference could have been his strongest moment.

Anonymous said...

So far the only argument on Pure Reform for Dr Hamlet is that he is not the chosen candidate of A plus schools and Gates. It is hard to reason that you are in favor of his educational philosophy when it appears to be lifted from either the Washington Post or Wikapedia. He had a golden opportunity to come clean on his second news conference but surprisingly did not. This has been an absolute PR nightmare for our district. This is not the way to build the trust of the community or increase enrollment. Holly, Hamlet, Sumpter, Perkins and the rest of the school board should be ashamed at how a supposedly transparent process with community involvement became such an absolute cluster. I don't need A plus schools or the local fish wrap to tell me that the entire process was handled badly. Roosevelt and Lane were brutal mistakes and Hamlet seems more than capable of carrying on that legacy.

Questioner said...

The Board indicated that it was impressed with Dr Hamlets proven record of success. They looked at actual numbers and actual results of programs he put in place and discussed his philosophy and experiences with him in detail in person.

Anonymous said...

The search and selection process was secret.

Hamlet had an opportunity to make a 'poignant' statement to the parents,teachers and students who will look to his guidance and leadership.

Who of us defending his selection can say that he rose to the occasion?

Everything connected to this issue has it's own story and it's all been sullied.

Anonymous said...

Questioner said that the board 'indicated', 'looked', and 'discussed'....
For some reason these verbs seem generic and mediocre.

Inspired, moved, and perhaps, extremely fortunate to have found an individual such as Dr. Hamlet to lead the district toward academic success are verbs and adjectives that might stimulate some enthusiasm.

No where to be found, these words, in his defense.

Questioner said...

Actually, the Board was quite excited after its detailed review and interviews, believing that this is the person who can truly make a difference.

Questioner said...

As for whether you believe he rose to the occasion- he may have been a little shell-shocked, not having expected this kind of attack.

Anonymous said...

Not to belabor this but leaders don't get shell-shocked when under attach. They lead the charge and 'transform' the situation with their wisdom and insight.

Questioner said...

It's all speculative, but it would be understandable if he was caught off guard by an intense and personal attack.

Anonymous said...

If Dr. Hamlet had said something like:"Even though the school where I was the principal was listed as a "C" according to State standards, I felt that it had the qualities of an "F" school because there was so more work that still needed to be done"...maybe that kind of response would have explained away that discrepancy. A miscalculation based on persoal perception could be possible but however still would require a clarifying statement.

Questioner said...

Didn't he say that in the conference- that he was looking at something like pure academics while the state grade was higher because it considered things like changes in suspension rates?

Anonymous said...

from KDKA

Once again A+ Schools gets input. The article mentions that 2 possibly 3 board members might not be in favor of keeping him. If he is kept, the board must as a whole, stand behind him as a united front. If PPS is going to get back on track (eliminate the corporate influences) and take back our schools, we need a united board. We can't have any foxes in the hen house. How did Andy Sheehan get the information that Hamlet will likely be kept and that a few board members were on the fence? There's a leak!

Questioner said...

Funny how kaka etc was never concerned about deep divisions and dissent over issues like Schenley, single gender academies, 6-12 configuration, issues related to sports, school closings, etc etc. The attitude has always been, the decision is final, move on.

Anonymous said...

No board member would comment, but sources indicate that even after that discussion, Hamlet has the majority support of the board with only two and possibly three dissenters.

At the meeting Wednesday, the board may take a vote, but none will be needed if they decide to retain Hamlet, who is scheduled to take his position on Friday.

For the past few weeks, Hamlet has been taken to task for claiming successes as the principal of two Florida schools with data that differs from state records. He also lifted most of a statement from a Washington Post editorial in describing his educational philosophy.

And while sources say the independent probe may have discovered other inconsistencies, the majority of the board doesn’t consider them severe enough to restart the search. And to their disappointment, opponents of Hamlet are hearing the same thing.

“It certainly appears that he has the support of the board, and I remain hopeful that the board will listen to its constituents,” Armant said.

But if, in fact, Dr. Hamlet retains the full confidence of the board, he will take office as superintendent without the full confidence of the district, which remains deeply divided about his selection and confirmation.

Such negativity in this article... And "sources".....interesting.

Anonymous said...

They didn't hire a communications person if their intention was to fire the guy. That's a one day story.

Wren and Holly were on the fence after the initial reporting of Ms. Born and Mr.Porter.

Johanna Huss's (PR)task will be to communicate the story in such a way as to bridge the divide.

Anonymous said...

This must be REALLY bad news for A+ schools. They won't let this drop. They must be scared. Again this builds my confidence in Hamlet. When I remember the other things A+ schools and the Urban League fervently spoke out for, not one of them was good for teachers or students (TFA, RISE, attacks on tenure, layoffs, etc)

Maybe is two board members dissent, they can use one of A+ and the PG's tricks and report that he has the unanimous support of the board, just leave out the part the says the vote occurred on May 18th. Clearly no one who reads the PG will question any data!!!!

Questioner said...

So true- if it was the other way around the unanimous vote would always be noted.

Anonymous said...

To quote the blog heading, ENOUGH ALREADY! There is a ton of work that needs to happen in these two months before the upcoming school year. The Board members need to own up to their selection with confidence, get Dr. Hamlet up to speed so he can put preparations in motion for the District's 2016-2017 school year. Let's get moving PPS!!!

Anonymous said...

If Hamlet is remaining as Superintendent, the news media needs to stop trying to undermine Hamlet and the board so they are able to work to better PPS. The Mayor wants everyone working together so the foundations and A+ Schools will need to get onboard and work WITH and not against the Superintendent and board. Hopefully 2016-2017 will be a new positive beginning for PPS.

Mark Rauterkus said...

The LOVE AFFAIR in global Pittsburgh poljtical circles of 100% agreement is bunk.

I want Dr. HAMLET to prevail and the board to back him, but a 7-2 vote is okay. Working with dissent is healthy. In other realms in life it is often the case to send your advance plans to your strongest critics to solicit their reactions.

Perhaps this is our union lega y mentality at work. Buy it isnt ideal IMNSHO.

To soar like an eagle, it takes a wing on the left and the right sides. Plus, a few tail feathets too.

Anonymous said...

Excellent points Mark. A lifetime ago, when teachers, administrators, parents, and others trained to be in Instructional Cabinets, the concept was CONSENSUS. Yes there were majorities, but the minority voice on issues had to come to consensus-- the idea that the majroity won, but we could live with the results of a vote. We kept count of votes, and even speakers, speaking out for issues, and often modified to reach consensus. This devolved to "on high" telling all what would be-- and if you didnt agree, you wound up in an office explaining your lack of underestanding. I dont need to "say the right words"- exit ticket-- to leave a meeting of colleagues- and neither shoudl this board-- yes every vote will not be 100% and that is good

Anonymous said...

As has been said in previous posts, they ( Ira Weiss and board ) hired a communications expert, and one who happens to have been on the Mayors transition team, in order to navigate what proves to be a challenging environment.

Public Relations (PR) are not bad words. They are key to effective messaging.

Hopeful for educating our children in 2016-2017

Anonymous said...

Hamlet is the Superintendent! The vote was 7-2.

Anonymous said...

That is a relief! I hope he will be left alone to do his job now.

Anonymous said...

It's a new day for PPS.

Questioner said...

Good work, PPS Board of Directors!
Deciding for yourselves and staying strong. Now let's see what this Suoerintendent and this Board can do!

Stephanie Tecza said...

Questioner, I hope in a year you can tell me I told you so. I am worried!

Anonymous said...

Now what you HATERS got to say now DUH Dr Hamlet is now our NEW SUPERINTENDENT time to get back in focus on EDUCATING
Our STUDENTS for those who had OPPOSED him should find another SCHOOL DISTRICT oh another BOARD with BROAD & GATES
SCHOOL DISTRICT not to mention our so called leaders who sold out the BLACK COMMUNITY you know who you are I think you all should do a new search for North Allegheny School District maybe you all can convince themπŸ˜…

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dr. Hamlet!