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Distinguishing between fact and opinion, we can move forward by citing an opinion piece or statement of fact and conclusion : "School board votes to keep Hamlet".
Thank you 8:14 AM now we can get back into EDUCATING PPS STUDENTS πnow let Dr Hamlet do what he came to do all the HATERS you know who you are need to get behind Dr Hamlet and support him so we can bring about much needed changes in the dist ok if not leave the board find another school district job and leaders find another city to do a new search and investigation Oh I need you to do a SEARCH for me to find another restaurant to eat at get the point π
Dr.Hamlet may be a wonderful man and administrator, but his comments about the examination of his resume are troubling. He seeks to deride investigative reporters by saying that the focus has to be the kids and that in his words, it's unfortunate that during this process, they have been forgotten. Nonsense. While I tended to believe that the resume issue and 'plagiarism' complaints were a bit over the top, certainly the Brandstetter report is unsettling, as there is a clear pattern of someone who has provided information which is embellished and misleading. As a 30 year teacher, I can happily say that I had grave concerns about the hiring of Mark Roosevelt, a man who had absolutely no experience as a superintendent of an urban district. At the time, you may remember that the PG posted the backgrounds and biographies of all three candidates and he was woefully outclassed in every regard. Yet the board hired him and we will forever remember his reign as one that failed students while targeting teachers. In a similar sense, I cannot understand the board's ineptitude in hiring a 'search firm' that had never done a search before and hiring an individual who felt it was acceptable to exaggerate the facts in a resume and to then take media to task for having the nerve to call him on it. Was this the best individual the board could find? We'll never know because this board decided not to publish the names of finalists, let alone publicize their respective backgrounds. Teachers routinely remind students about the issues of integrity and forthrightness when they are compiling resumes. We constantly remind students that in this internet-driven era, looking into individual backgrounds is not only a simple task, but one that is used by Human Resource managers worldwide on a daily basis. Any English teacher will tell you that the idea of being factual is important when compiling a research-based paper of any type. The students "get it" Apparently the board, and Hamlet, don't. I have to laugh at some of the comments above. In calling those who are looking for clarity and proclaiming their disappointment in both the board and Hamlet "haters," it almost illustrates an ignorance, or at the very least, racial favoritism. How ridiculous. At the end of the day, black or white, this district deserved better. It deserved a search process done by an experienced group that provides itself in transparency, a public rendering of finalists and then, a clear, concise discussion of Dr.Hamlet's resume in full cognizance of the idea that PPS is an educational institution that must employ the highest level of leadership that models the proper principals to students, parents and taxpayers in Pittsburgh. Those tenets were forgotten by this board.
I hope Dr.Hamlet does well here, but this entire process has been another chapter of the board failing the city. Its reprehensible handling of what should have been a detailed, competent process simply cannot be explained away and transcends the idea of gender, race or political persuasion. Hamlet likely is a good man, tremendous leader and motivator of children, but he and his cheerleaders here should understand the importance of what has transpired at the beginning of his tenure here. You don't shoot the messenger because you don't like the message.
I learned many years ago not to trust quotes in the newspaper.
I was in Pittsburgh to celebrate my wedding, and our party out at a grunge dance club in full wedding gear caught the eye of a Post Gazette (or whatever the name of the paper was at that time) reporter. It was nice to be featured but the quotes were nothing like what we actually said. In addition, a small portion of comments can be taken out of context.
Well said 7:47AM Your "verbiage" is clear and precise and without typos.
Restore is a well meaning verb as well as "restoration" a successful outcome. Hopefully under the leadership of Dr. Hamlet PPS can "restore" the professionalism, the excellence, the vision needed to succeed in the education of our children.
Clarity and precision in 'communication' is a must.
7:43- I too took exception to the dismissive accusations of "hater". Board member's said "hater's gonna hate". This was the level of discourse throughout the community. I didn't want to be called a hater and felt that it was a cheap, anti-intellectual comeback to stop the discussion. Who in the end thought this would come out any different? Even when the report came out with more problems it was still all go. No one was going to stop this appointment. The lack of leadership and wisdom from a whole bunch of prominent people in this town was telling. Peduto and Fitzgerald should be ashamed at the way they weaseled around this and sold out the city. Truth be told, after this whole episode I needed a shower.
You are a HATER that's what they do is HATE meaning if the SHOE fit wear it ok ,so what is your point if don't like the way the Dr Hamlet situation turned out in the end move to another School District you may get what you wanted either get on BOARD with Dr Hamlet QUIT paying taxes to PPS in which are use to pay his SALARY π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π° 5:42 PM π
7:43 - Well said. As teachers we hold our students to high standards, shouldn't the same be expected by the superintendent? This sends a poor message to our students. Is it now OK to embellish to get what you want? Obviously Hamlet didn't bank on anyone checking facts, which in my estimation is insulting to the board and community.
MR was the king of embellishing to get what he wanted- his whole administration was based on the end justifying the means. He embellished test data, the superintendent training provided by Broad, SPI scores (remember those) and on and on and on. Why weren't the people who are now so concerned about role models concerned back then?
Dr.Hamlet is well-spoken, says Pittsburgh correctly, and certainly doesnt seem to have the agenda that Roosevelt had. BTW, adults in my building said that Roosevelt had to go to private school, cause his wimpy speech and handshake wouldnt make it in a public school ;) May he see through the TFA. Broad crap and even speak out against it. You dont have to BE local, to return our schools to local control- How about we wont give YOU a script, Dr. Hamlet, and you dont give US a script- both in classrooms, in meetings and in Pittsburgh life!
Wouldn't it be great fun to pull resumes out for any number of people and research them for veracity? Perhaps there could be a club formed to do the work and we/they could meet weekly like my older neighbor ladies meet to play cards. True confessions? I kinda, sorta, maybe lied on a resume once. I did not like a job title I had, "Mail Extraction Clerk," and changed it to "Primary Processing Operator" or something just as vague. Yep, I still opened envelopes for a living. Boy, I feel so much better now!!
It was asked above by someone without a name: "Who in the end thought this would come out any different?"
I had no idea how the hiring would go once the questions surfaced and the establishment piled on the efforts to undermine the board, the new superintendent and the process.
We were not in the interviews. We did not know who else applied. We did not know how much faith the 9 on the PPS board had put upon this application and the way he fit with what we all expressed in the transparent stages.
They held executive sessions, as they should have done. What unfolded there was good fuel for doubt, then. Now the answers are here and the focus shifts.
I'll tell you what I'm tired of. I'm tired of being called names. When Mark Roosevelt first came to Pittsburgh, I was called a "dinosaur" because I had serious doubts about his bizarre educational philosophy.
Now I guess I'm also a "hater" because I feel that Dr. Hamlet has disqualified himself. His resume is dishonest, and he defended that resume in an arrogant and flippant manner.
The Pittsburgh School District is real trouble. Look at our state-wide ranking. Walk through the hallways of any school, except CAPA. See for yourself! We need bold and HONEST leadership. But don't say that out loud. Because then you will be called a dinosaur, and a hater.
Don't despair, 1:07 am (not sleeping over this obviously). The Pittsburgh School District does need bold and honest leadership. It's needed that for a very long time - ever since the departure of Dick Wallace. However, besides CAPA, you need to take a walk through the hallways of Sci-Tech, Brashear, Carrick, Obama and, most recently, Westinghouse for a boost to your temperment and a remedy for your insomnia. CAPA isn't the end all/be all. There is teaching and learning also going on in these schools. PPS is going to be okay.
I salute your optimism, 6:38. But PPS is not going to be okay. Sci-Tech, Brashear, etc., I have friends who teach there. No one is happy. I talked to one the other day, she almost started crying. Think about that for a moment. I asked her how things were going, and she almost started crying.
Yes, learning is going on in the PPS. Many teachers are giving their all, and many students are giving their all. Bless them.
But the schools are chaotic, and most administrators are dysfunctional. Some are openly racist. And now we have a new superintendent, yet another grifter. I have taught in the PPS for many years, and the last quality superintendent we had was Helen Faison. We teachers respected her - and admired her - from the very first day she was appointed. She was the real deal!
But since Faison we have had a succession of grifters. Each one had some sort of hook, or some sort of con. Nothing improved, including scores and teacher morale. But everybody at the top got big bonuses and big pensions.
I am truly sorry to have to post such negative comments. But I must be honest. In this brutal world, PPS students deserve the very best. But that's not what they are getting. And I must include Dr. Hamlet in that last remark.
Agree totally that Dr. Faison was a true leader that all could follow- students, teacher and administrators. A large portion of that was leading by example-- principals were clear on what was expected because she was clear. One of the reasons for the depression now was total uncertainty-- Praying Broad/Gates is dead- but not sure...and what are the admin that shined under scripting going to do ? Plan for next year as they expect us to- but knowing that it all could change with a new super. Are the heel clicking consultants still in charge? does anyone know? Is the union ever going to do what teachers are paying them to do? Is there ever going to be this imaginary "transparency"? Are parents going to see that admin has one goal-- kids in classrooms- not out when they commit what would be a crime in the real world (assault,theft etc), not using rest rooms (yes teachers get in trouyble for kids on the hall) Is there going to be a district wide cell phone policy or is everyone going to struggle with cute ideas that dont work? Is Dr. Hamlet's idea of "restorative justice" and talking through problems going to work with bullying (which can get worse) and privacy laws? There are many many issues and much like the students we teach-- uncertainy of the rules, causes discomfort, and yes sadness. Yes schools, teachers, and students are working and working hard-- but know that the underlying questions make that hard work hard for everyone. Dr. Hamlet has a 3 month plan-- great-- but school has to start in August- framework in place, created by teachers and administrators, not consultants who have never done the job- again to wrap-- WHY we admired Dr. Faison -- we knew she had done the job she asked us to do.
It will be interesting to find out the names of people on his transition team. Since he is new to our area, the team will be very important to getting PPS on the right track.
Daniel Matsook , retired superintendent and heading the transition team guiding the merger of Wilkinsburg students with Westinghouse, would be a key individual for Hamlet to seek advice and consent.
We've called back administrators before-- pre-PELA principals that actually thought it was their job to run the school. Instead of running about with laptops- they actually were in the halls, in the cafeterias,even on playgrounds. They thought that opening school in the morning, working through lunch, and leaving school at the end of the day were the principal's top responsibilities. If they walked past a room where a student was "performing" they removed the student for a chat and then decided what the next steps would be- in-house, or possibly your house if it was a safety issue. They expected classrooms and hallways to be orderly- even in challenging schools. They were the ultimate "instructor"- an example of how to deal with students and parents. They guided rookie teachers and understood the strengths of seasoned teachers and respected the idea that a good school has a mix of all kinds of teachers and that was what was best for the students. They didnt hide in offices, and were proud to walk visitors through "their" building. Dr. Hamlet could ask around-- meet with parents, students who have graduated, and teachers- or talk to the real bosses of the school- secretaries and custodians-- they will tell you about strong adminstrators.
5:41PM Seems as if Mr. Matsook knows a little about leadership; "Mr. Matsook said there are 16 committees that are working on details involved with the transfer of the secondary students to Westinghouse starting in the fall.
The highest-level committee is the oversight/advisory committee which is composed of state legislators, state department of education personnel, school board members and superintendents.
In addition there is a transition committee with three Pittsburgh Public Schools officials and Mr. Matsook that meets every Tuesday to discuss transition issues.
Underneath those oversight committees are subcommittees to address academics, special education, student services, human resources, communications, curriculum and safety and security.
Curriculum audits are being conducted by the state department of education to narrow any gaps between the coursework in the districts. The two schools are also undergoing safety audits."
Well said, 9:08. Matsook is not the reason for Wilkinsburg's downfall. Many other factors are involved in letting that happen. He was hired to essentially get that dstrict back on its feet. He would definitely be a credible resource for Hamlet!
We still moving forward and yet the HATERS want us to go BACKWARDS still want let the Dr Hamlet situation go . When we get to the point what's the best entrance for PPS students than we safely say let's move FORWARD and do what needs to be done to advance school district I really feel SORRY for you HATERSπ
Thank you 9:08--This is the kind of reassurance that people need--there is nothing wrong with telling people the plan- instead of waiting to say yeah it worked- but this framework says" We are onto of this large scale project and we are getting input from everyone affected" Maybe this format could work for other situations such as Milliones- sub committees for academics, special education, safety etc.Working committees assessing the situation and moving forward. It sounds like the new Westinghouse is off to a strong start
I am not a hater, I am a person with high standards and wants the BEST for our students. Why is it OK to lie to get what you want? This is a place to voice opinions. What if teachers, doctors or any respected profession did that on their resumes? Would you be OK with that too? In any other profession that would be grounds for dismissal without a payout.
Where were you HATERS at when MR was around his resume did not have no kind of EXPERIENCE of working for a school district. That is my high standards which was a do call built in LIEπok 5:15PM
12:38, I was here stating my opinion. Unfortunately I can't control the press and I am glad they are finally doing their job, reporting the FACTS. Just because MR was no good, it doesn't give Hamlet a pass to lie. We are supposed to LEARN from mistakes, not use them as excuses to lower standards. 2 wrongs don't make a right! As my mother taught me, never settle for 2nd best!
alot of us were screaming out-- partiocularly teachers and you are right-- this isn't the easily impressed by a name board. But many fear that a rejection of Hamlet will have us back to Broad, Gates, Roosevelt $$$-- look who was calling for it -- Teach for America Queen, plus "citizen groups" fueled by Gates $$-- who then decided that African American children benefit more from inexperienced teachers??(which easily translates into a superintendent who has no credentials--No two wrongs dont make a right-- but we must learn from history-- these forces have now said aloud that they want to overthrow this taxpayer chosen board-- to bring in the $$ people yet again. Newsflash-- it didnt work-- it sucked-- schools got way worse, good teachers left for the suburbs ( they like experienced teachers) or retired, families left for suburbs,charters, anywhere! Even universities left-- pre-service teachers need more than a scvript to go out into the world. PPS seems to be recovering--Dr. Hamlet has new challenges, including Wilkinsburg, convincing a world that despite his paper trail he is competent- but dont forget at least he HAS some paperwork--and getting rid of him would have the corporate take-over back
10:33, Why do I have to leave the city? I pay taxes and expect nothing but the best for our students. This is America and I can live where I want and voice my opinion. If, as you say North Allegheny can get it right, why can't PPS? Our kids ALSO deserve the BEST!
nOT THE hater poster! I personally think that YOU are exacvtly what this city and schools need--People who stop acting like our students are the down trodden. OUr students do AP, they do Calculus, they do the CTE programs-- they gather certifications--they use the Promise-- Sure some kids dont have the family support so they work harder and teachers work harder with them--but we all need to see that alot of PPS families are making it work
Last Call You HATERS To Get On Board to Move Forward And Support Dr Hamlet You Know Who You AREπͺ Other Than That Move To Another School District Where You All Be Happy Pretty Sure They Welcome You With Open Arms π€
4:47 I am not going anywhere, as I stated before I pay taxes and will continue to voice my opinion and live where I want. Why haven't you any of the questions I asked you? I have answered your questions.
If, as you say North Allegheny can get it right, why can't PPS? Why is it OK to lie to get what you want? Do you think this is a good message to send? What if teachers, doctors or any respected profession did that on their resumes? Would you be OK with that too?
For a statement to be a lie it must not only be false but also made with deliberate intent to deceive. Not every incorrect statement is a lie. The Board found there was no intent to deceive.
I thought we were "moving forward"? All of these petty statements are getting repetitive. Let's focus on PPS moving on to better days. Focus on the positives, not the negatives.
Distinguishing between fact and opinion, we can move forward by citing an opinion piece or statement of fact and conclusion : "School board votes to keep Hamlet".
Thank you 8:14 AM now we can get back into EDUCATING PPS STUDENTS πnow let Dr Hamlet do what he came to do
all the HATERS you know who you are need to get behind Dr Hamlet and support him so we can bring about much needed changes in the dist ok if not leave the board find another school district job and leaders find another city to do a new search and investigation
Oh I need you to do a SEARCH for me to find another restaurant to eat at get the point π
Read this today on Facebook, of all places.
"Transformation more often happens not when something new begins,
but when something old
falls apart".
Dr.Hamlet may be a wonderful man and administrator, but his comments about the examination of his resume are troubling. He seeks to deride investigative reporters by saying that the focus has to be the kids and that in his words, it's unfortunate that during this process, they have been forgotten.
While I tended to believe that the resume issue and 'plagiarism' complaints were a bit over the top, certainly the Brandstetter report is unsettling, as there is a clear pattern of someone who has provided information which is embellished and misleading.
As a 30 year teacher, I can happily say that I had grave concerns about the hiring of Mark Roosevelt, a man who had absolutely no experience as a superintendent of an urban district. At the time, you may remember that the PG posted the backgrounds and biographies of all three candidates and he was woefully outclassed in every regard. Yet the board hired him and we will forever remember his reign as one that failed students while targeting teachers.
In a similar sense, I cannot understand the board's ineptitude in hiring a 'search firm' that had never done a search before and hiring an individual who felt it was acceptable to exaggerate the facts in a resume and to then take media to task for having the nerve to call him on it.
Was this the best individual the board could find?
We'll never know because this board decided not to publish the names of finalists, let alone publicize their respective backgrounds.
Teachers routinely remind students about the issues of integrity and forthrightness when they are compiling resumes. We constantly remind students that in this internet-driven era, looking into individual backgrounds is not only a simple task, but one that is used by Human Resource managers worldwide on a daily basis.
Any English teacher will tell you that the idea of being factual is important when compiling a research-based paper of any type.
The students "get it"
Apparently the board, and Hamlet, don't.
I have to laugh at some of the comments above. In calling those who are looking for clarity and proclaiming their disappointment in both the board and Hamlet "haters," it almost illustrates an ignorance, or at the very least, racial favoritism. How ridiculous.
At the end of the day, black or white, this district deserved better. It deserved a search process done by an experienced group that provides itself in transparency, a public rendering of finalists and then, a clear, concise discussion of Dr.Hamlet's resume in full cognizance of the idea that PPS is an educational institution that must employ the highest level of leadership that models the proper principals to students, parents and taxpayers in Pittsburgh. Those tenets were forgotten by this board.
I hope Dr.Hamlet does well here, but this entire process has been another chapter of the board failing the city. Its reprehensible handling of what should have been a detailed, competent process simply cannot be explained away and transcends the idea of gender, race or political persuasion. Hamlet likely is a good man, tremendous leader and motivator of children, but he and his cheerleaders here should understand the importance of what has transpired at the beginning of his tenure here.
You don't shoot the messenger because you don't like the message.
I learned many years ago not to trust quotes in the newspaper.
I was in Pittsburgh to celebrate my wedding, and our party out at a grunge dance club in full wedding gear caught the eye of a Post Gazette (or whatever the name of the paper was at that time) reporter. It was nice to be featured but the quotes were nothing like what we actually said. In addition, a small portion of comments can be taken out of context.
Well said 7:47AM
Your "verbiage" is clear and precise and without typos.
Restore is a well meaning verb as well as "restoration" a successful outcome.
Hopefully under the leadership of Dr. Hamlet PPS can "restore" the professionalism, the excellence, the vision needed to succeed in the education of our children.
Clarity and precision in 'communication' is a must.
7:43- I too took exception to the dismissive accusations of "hater". Board member's said "hater's gonna hate". This was the level of discourse throughout the community.
I didn't want to be called a hater and felt that it was a cheap, anti-intellectual comeback to stop the discussion. Who in the end thought this would come out any different? Even when the report came out with more problems it was still all go. No one was going to stop this appointment. The lack of leadership and wisdom from a whole bunch of prominent people in this town was telling. Peduto and Fitzgerald should be ashamed at the way they weaseled around this and sold out the city.
Truth be told, after this whole episode I needed a shower.
ps. Does Dr. Hamlet pronounce it "Pixsburgh"?
You are a HATER that's what they do is HATE meaning if the SHOE fit wear it ok ,so what is your point if don't like the way the Dr Hamlet
situation turned out in the end move to another School District you may get what you wanted either get on BOARD with Dr Hamlet QUIT paying taxes to PPS in which are use to pay his SALARY π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π°π°
5:42 PM π
7:43 - Well said. As teachers we hold our students to high standards, shouldn't the same be expected by the superintendent? This sends a poor message to our students. Is it now OK to embellish to get what you want? Obviously Hamlet didn't bank on anyone checking facts, which in my estimation is insulting to the board and community.
It gets a little tricky to make the case for transparency____anonymously.
MR was the king of embellishing to get what he wanted- his whole administration was based on the end justifying the means. He embellished test data, the superintendent training provided by Broad, SPI scores (remember those) and on and on and on. Why weren't the people who are now so concerned about role models concerned back then?
Dr.Hamlet is well-spoken, says Pittsburgh correctly, and certainly doesnt seem to have the agenda that Roosevelt had. BTW, adults in my building said that Roosevelt had to go to private school, cause his wimpy speech and handshake wouldnt make it in a public school ;)
May he see through the TFA. Broad crap and even speak out against it. You dont have to BE local, to return our schools to local control- How about we wont give YOU a script, Dr. Hamlet, and you dont give US a script- both in classrooms, in meetings and in Pittsburgh life!
Wouldn't it be great fun to pull resumes out for any number of people and research them for veracity? Perhaps there could be a club formed to do the work and we/they could meet weekly like my older neighbor ladies meet to play cards. True confessions? I kinda, sorta, maybe lied on a resume once. I did not like a job title I had, "Mail Extraction Clerk," and changed it to "Primary Processing Operator" or something just as vague. Yep, I still opened envelopes for a living. Boy, I feel so much better now!!
It was asked above by someone without a name: "Who in the end thought this would come out any different?"
I had no idea how the hiring would go once the questions surfaced and the establishment piled on the efforts to undermine the board, the new superintendent and the process.
We were not in the interviews. We did not know who else applied. We did not know how much faith the 9 on the PPS board had put upon this application and the way he fit with what we all expressed in the transparent stages.
They held executive sessions, as they should have done. What unfolded there was good fuel for doubt, then. Now the answers are here and the focus shifts.
I'll tell you what I'm tired of. I'm tired of being called names. When Mark Roosevelt first came to Pittsburgh, I was called a "dinosaur" because I had serious doubts about his bizarre educational philosophy.
Now I guess I'm also a "hater" because I feel that Dr. Hamlet has disqualified himself. His resume is dishonest, and he defended that resume in an arrogant and flippant manner.
The Pittsburgh School District is real trouble. Look at our state-wide ranking. Walk through the hallways of any school, except CAPA. See for yourself! We need bold and HONEST leadership. But don't say that out loud. Because then you will be called a dinosaur, and a hater.
Don't despair, 1:07 am (not sleeping over this obviously). The Pittsburgh School District does need bold and honest leadership. It's needed that for a very long time - ever since the departure of Dick Wallace. However, besides CAPA, you need to take a walk through the hallways of Sci-Tech, Brashear, Carrick, Obama and, most recently, Westinghouse for a boost to your temperment and a remedy for your insomnia. CAPA isn't the end all/be all. There is teaching and learning also going on in these schools. PPS is going to be okay.
I salute your optimism, 6:38. But PPS is not going to be okay. Sci-Tech, Brashear, etc., I have friends who teach there. No one is happy. I talked to one the other day, she almost started crying. Think about that for a moment. I asked her how things were going, and she almost started crying.
Yes, learning is going on in the PPS. Many teachers are giving their all, and many students are giving their all. Bless them.
But the schools are chaotic, and most administrators are dysfunctional. Some are openly racist. And now we have a new superintendent, yet another grifter. I have taught in the PPS for many years, and the last quality superintendent we had was Helen Faison. We teachers respected her - and admired her - from the very first day she was appointed. She was the real deal!
But since Faison we have had a succession of grifters. Each one had some sort of hook, or some sort of con. Nothing improved, including scores and teacher morale. But everybody at the top got big bonuses and big pensions.
I am truly sorry to have to post such negative comments. But I must be honest. In this brutal world, PPS students deserve the very best. But that's not what they are getting. And I must include Dr. Hamlet in that last remark.
Agree totally that Dr. Faison was a true leader that all could follow- students, teacher and administrators. A large portion of that was leading by example-- principals were clear on what was expected because she was clear.
One of the reasons for the depression now was total uncertainty-- Praying Broad/Gates is dead- but not sure...and what are the admin that shined under scripting going to do ? Plan for next year as they expect us to- but knowing that it all could change with a new super. Are the heel clicking consultants still in charge? does anyone know? Is the union ever going to do what teachers are paying them to do? Is there ever going to be this imaginary "transparency"? Are parents going to see that admin has one goal-- kids in classrooms- not out when they commit what would be a crime in the real world (assault,theft etc), not using rest rooms (yes teachers get in trouyble for kids on the hall) Is there going to be a district wide cell phone policy or is everyone going to struggle with cute ideas that dont work? Is Dr. Hamlet's idea of "restorative justice" and talking through problems going to work with bullying (which can get worse) and privacy laws? There are many many issues and much like the students we teach-- uncertainy of the rules, causes discomfort, and yes sadness.
Yes schools, teachers, and students are working and working hard-- but know that the underlying questions make that hard work hard for everyone.
Dr. Hamlet has a 3 month plan-- great-- but school has to start in August- framework in place, created by teachers and administrators, not consultants who have never done the job- again to wrap-- WHY we admired Dr. Faison -- we knew she had done the job she asked us to do.
It will be interesting to find out the names of people on his transition team. Since he is new to our area, the team will be very important to getting PPS on the right track.
Who left at Bellefield is experienced enough to transition Hamlet? Many key personnel have either resigned or retired.
Daniel Matsook , retired superintendent and heading the transition team guiding the merger of Wilkinsburg students with Westinghouse, would be a key individual for Hamlet to seek advice and consent.
So let's let a retired superintendent of a failing school district to help Hamlet??? What are you thinking???
We've called back administrators before-- pre-PELA principals that actually thought it was their job to run the school. Instead of running about with laptops- they actually were in the halls, in the cafeterias,even on playgrounds. They thought that opening school in the morning, working through lunch, and leaving school at the end of the day were the principal's top responsibilities. If they walked past a room where a student was "performing" they removed the student for a chat and then decided what the next steps would be- in-house, or possibly your house if it was a safety issue. They expected classrooms and hallways to be orderly- even in challenging schools. They were the ultimate "instructor"- an example of how to deal with students and parents. They guided rookie teachers and understood the strengths of seasoned teachers and respected the idea that a good school has a mix of all kinds of teachers and that was what was best for the students. They didnt hide in offices, and were proud to walk visitors through "their" building. Dr. Hamlet could ask around-- meet with parents, students who have graduated, and teachers- or talk to the real bosses of the school- secretaries and custodians-- they will tell you about strong adminstrators.
Seems as if Mr. Matsook knows a little about leadership; "Mr. Matsook said there are 16 committees that are working on details involved with the transfer of the secondary students to Westinghouse starting in the fall.
The highest-level committee is the oversight/advisory committee which is composed of state legislators, state department of education personnel, school board members and superintendents.
In addition there is a transition committee with three Pittsburgh Public Schools officials and Mr. Matsook that meets every Tuesday to discuss transition issues.
Underneath those oversight committees are subcommittees to address academics, special education, student services, human resources, communications, curriculum and safety and security.
Curriculum audits are being conducted by the state department of education to narrow any gaps between the coursework in the districts. The two schools are also undergoing safety audits."
What would you do differently 5:41?
Thank you 9:08 for giving us some background. That's a strategy. Perhaps Hamlet and Matsook have already spoken.
Well said, 9:08. Matsook is not the reason for Wilkinsburg's downfall. Many other factors are involved in letting that happen. He was hired to essentially get that dstrict back on its feet. He would definitely be a credible resource for Hamlet!
We still moving forward and yet the HATERS want us to go BACKWARDS still want let the Dr Hamlet situation go .
When we get to the point what's the best entrance for PPS students than we safely say let's move FORWARD and do what needs to be done to advance school district
I really feel SORRY for you HATERSπ
Thank you 9:08--This is the kind of reassurance that people need--there is nothing wrong with telling people the plan- instead of waiting to say yeah it worked- but this framework says" We are onto of this large scale project and we are getting input from everyone affected"
Maybe this format could work for other situations such as Milliones- sub committees for academics, special education, safety etc.Working committees assessing the situation and moving forward. It sounds like the new Westinghouse is off to a strong start
9:08... There were quotation marks around your entire comment. From what source were you quoting?
8:03AM -
I am not a hater, I am a person with high standards and wants the BEST for our students. Why is it OK to lie to get what you want? This is a place to voice opinions. What if teachers, doctors or any respected profession did that on their resumes? Would you be OK with that too? In any other profession that would be grounds for dismissal without a payout.
Where were you HATERS at when MR was around his resume did not have no kind of EXPERIENCE of working for a school district.
That is my high standards which was a do call built in LIEπok 5:15PM
12:38, I was here stating my opinion. Unfortunately I can't control the press and I am glad they are finally doing their job, reporting the FACTS. Just because MR was no good, it doesn't give Hamlet a pass to lie. We are supposed to LEARN from mistakes, not use them as excuses to lower standards. 2 wrongs don't make a right! As my mother taught me, never settle for 2nd best!
and yet as a nation ..... that is the situation.... all of the above.
alot of us were screaming out-- partiocularly teachers and you are right-- this isn't the easily impressed by a name board. But many fear that a rejection of Hamlet will have us back to Broad, Gates, Roosevelt $$$-- look who was calling for it -- Teach for America Queen, plus "citizen groups" fueled by Gates $$-- who then decided that African American children benefit more from inexperienced teachers??(which easily translates into a superintendent who has no credentials--No two wrongs dont make a right-- but we must learn from history-- these forces have now said aloud that they want to overthrow this taxpayer chosen board-- to bring in the $$ people yet again. Newsflash-- it didnt work-- it sucked-- schools got way worse, good teachers left for the suburbs ( they like experienced teachers) or retired, families left for suburbs,charters, anywhere! Even universities left-- pre-service teachers need more than a scvript to go out into the world.
PPS seems to be recovering--Dr. Hamlet has new challenges, including Wilkinsburg, convincing a world that despite his paper trail he is competent- but dont forget at least he HAS some paperwork--and getting rid of him would have the corporate take-over back
There goes the HATERS again nothing but HATE want you all move to North Allegheny School District they have HATERS as well fit right
in meanig have a Superintendent which meet you all HIGH STANDARDS no FLAWS regards to RESUME there is no WRONGS in that school search situation hired a legitimate search firm BY LEAVE PPS would not have this conversation π©
10:33, Why do I have to leave the city? I pay taxes and expect nothing but the best for our students. This is America and I can live where I want and voice my opinion. If, as you say North Allegheny can get it right, why can't PPS? Our kids ALSO deserve the BEST!
nOT THE hater poster! I personally think that YOU are exacvtly what this city and schools need--People who stop acting like our students are the down trodden. OUr students do AP, they do Calculus, they do the CTE programs-- they gather certifications--they use the Promise--
Sure some kids dont have the family support so they work harder and teachers work harder with them--but we all need to see that alot of PPS families are making it work
Welcome aboard, Hamlet! "But I have that within which passes show/These but the trappings and suits of woe"
Last Call You HATERS To Get On Board to Move Forward And Support Dr Hamlet You Know Who You AREπͺ Other Than That
Move To Another School District Where You All Be Happy Pretty Sure They Welcome You With Open Arms π€
4:47 I am not going anywhere, as I stated before I pay taxes and will continue to voice my opinion and live where I want. Why haven't you any of the questions I asked you? I have answered your questions.
If, as you say North Allegheny can get it right, why can't PPS?
Why is it OK to lie to get what you want? Do you think this is a good message to send?
What if teachers, doctors or any respected profession did that on their resumes? Would you be OK with that too?
For a statement to be a lie it must not only be false but also made with deliberate intent to deceive. Not every incorrect statement is a lie. The Board found there was no intent to deceive.
I thought we were "moving forward"? All of these petty statements are getting repetitive. Let's focus on PPS moving on to better days. Focus on the positives, not the negatives.
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