Monday, April 9, 2018

PPS Calendar 2018-19

Anonymous wrote:

"new topic please 2018-2019 calendar
After people voted on calendar- there were notes somewhere that said that the day after Easter and the day after Thanksgiving were vacation for students/ PD for teachers-- I cannot find this anywhere in writing now?? "


Questioner said...

The day after Thanksgiving has always been a PPS vacation day for students- presumably for faculty and staff as well?

Anonymous said...

Click on the 2nd link, Pittsburgh Public Schools District Calendar School Year 2018-2019

Anonymous said...

Has not been for quite a few years, not even for students. New change in the calendar. Same with the Monday after Easter.

Anonymous said...

The indicated calendar is definitely meant for students/families. I am still unsure about staff work days, since the days after Thanksgiving and Easter look exactly the same as Election Day- is that a vacation day? Information for teachers is, as usual, unclear.