Thursday, February 11, 2010

Some area districts discuss anti-nepotism policies

From today's PG:

Nothing about PPS.


Anonymous said...

I did not see the PPS mentioned. Maybe because nepotism is prevalent in our school system?

Anonymous said...

Don't think Joe Smydo would touch this one.

Anonymous said...

He should ask some of the parents from Linden regarding their thoughts on nepotism.

anothanon said...

Isn't the plan to eliminate the hiring points given for PPS grads on the table or has it already become procedure? One could also conclude that the Points given to PPS grads should be a practice restored in 10 years since kids will have been through the new PPS system and therefore better-educated, no?

And really, I dig data as much as the next guy but the CMU study was from 1999. In terms of where parents have gone since that time the information is ancient. We have had 10 years of hearing "parent engagement, parent engagement, parent engagement" and our expectations are both different and higher than they were that long ago.

Sorry, I can't buy some of what I read but do see how sooner or later someone will cite the article or study as they speak to parents to restart the "snow."

Anonymous said...

Friends tell me the point about the CMU study nakes sense since it was done pre-NCLB, which, for all its flaws, stirred interest in education among non-educators/parents.

Anonymous said...

The Principal of CAPA replaced Rhonda Taliaferro. She is the daughter of the vice-President of a foundation that has financially supported Mark (200K)Roosevelt