Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Schenley not so asbestos plagued after all

From the City Paper:'

- The article explains that the Schenley plaster has apparently only a quarter to a half percent asbestos-  far below the 1% threshhold that makes it subject to applicable asbestos regulations.  And that even before the building was closed these low numbers had been coming up in samples and PPS officials were aware of that fact.


Questioner said...

And, despite the 2009 test showing trace levels of asbestos, PPS apparently said nothing to correct misinformation such as that in this CP article from last year, which referred to the building as "asbestos plagued."

- Remember last fall there was a big push to sell the building to PMC. Sure the prospective buyer had been told of the new asbestos results and would therefore have been able to make its purchase based on "inside information."

Questioner said...

Beautiful picture of Schenley in the article, showing the large windows providing abundant natural light. Compare that to a picture of the Peabody building, where many students who would have been at Schenley are scheduled to attend school:

Questioner said...

Trying the link again: