Saturday, November 22, 2008

Excellence for All Steering Committee Meeting

A PURE Reform report of the Excellence for All steering committee meeting held on November 20, 2008 is available on the announcements tab of; go to this listing under Past Events and click on "PURE Reform Report of Event."


Anonymous said...

For all the EFA school reps who attend the EFA meetings and have pushed through producing a summary for their schools for years now, thanks for the overview. I will still do my summary for my schools but I will also use your report to lighten my responsibilities. I will make one or two modifications (Dr. Otuwa was NOT in attendance) and attach your report to my summary. Is that OK? I will also add a few "folksie" comments and will share them with you. BY this I mean put a slant on the reporting that is meaningful to my fellow parents at my schools.

Anonymous said...

It is me again, Anonymous. I promise the next time I sit behind PURE Reform at a volleyball game, I will introduce myself. I guess we will have to wait until next season.

Questioner said...

It is fine to pass our reports on- anything to get information out to as many parents as possible!