Friday, October 23, 2009

How PPS should spend the next 5 years

From the Tribune:


Questioner said...

This article and many others includes the statement:

"In August, the district for the first time met academic progress standards, known as adequate yearly progress, under the No Child Left Behind Act."

For some reason the reporters do not feel it is relevant to also note that for the first time new more lenient standards were put into place for AYP.

Also the article notes that Roosevelt disagrees with calculations on whether progress has been made on closing the state/PPS gap but does not explain the disagreement. It probably involves hair splitting, so to clarify- at some grade level and on some test there might have been a small amount of progress made but overall, considering all grade levels and subjects we do not see substantial progress. See

Anonymous said...

Instead of teaching at CMU why doesn't Roosevelt "try" to teach a class at Westinghouse and earn his salary. He wouldn't last a class period.

Questioner said...

Actually Anon that really is not a bad idea! People would probably have much more confidence in the "vision" mentioned in the article if some time was spent in the trenches.

Annette Werner said...

I just wanted to note that I emailed to the superintendent this morning asking for information on any error with our calculations so that we could correct them if necessary. I have not received a response yet.

Observer said...

One of the problems I have with central administration anymore is that the continual commentary about changing times often means research. To me, that's a loser's take. You see, students have become nameless, faceless statistics only, and for this very reason, the policies, rationales, approaches and logistics that come down from people like the curriculum chief leave me cold.
Education is a people business, and let's face it, statistics only tell part of the story.
For his part, MR is a corporate guy, a man who relies on research. Since his appointment, he's done what any corporate type would do. As such, funding seems to do quite well while academic achievement strategies based on numbers seems to spin, relying as always upon teachers to push the kids.
Shame. A true chief academic officer who really knew Pittsburgh children and spent time in the schools would round out the administrative staff nicely. We don't have such an individual right now.