Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Closing middle schools

Recently, the closing of "failing middle schools" has been cited as an accomplishment by the current administration.

But, looking at Milliones then (2004-05) and now (2009-2010), it is not clear what has really been accomplished.

In 2005, 22.7% of 8th grade students at Milliones Middle were "Below Basic" in Math.
In 2010, 59.6% of 8th grade students at Millions 6-12 were "Below Basic" in Math.

Reading scores show some but not a lot of progress:

In 2005, 45.7% of 8th grade students at Milliones Middle were "Below Basic" in Reading.
In 2010, 38.5% of 8th grade students at Milliones 6-12 were "Below Basic" in Reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


PPS interpretation of data-what about all the new 6-12 schools. They talk that data to their game plan agenda. They are worse than the POST GAME News Conferences as TV shows- after a Coach and Billion dollar players of Big League Sport Franchises explain their reasons that they lost the game.

Just keep closing PPS schools. The declining enrollment is not a trend it is real-parents live in communities and pay taxes and do not want their kids go to other communities because lack of magnet choices. Roosevelt is further eroding PPS enrollment with his changes and less choices-and we will have only socio-economically deprived students left in PPS Schools that will comprise the school roosters without the right human capital and social services.