Tuesday, September 28, 2010

"4100 students prove 'small is better' is wrong

From the NYT:


- Large diverse school, strong sports and activities, and an emphasis on reading, writing and reasoning- sounds like what PPS families would request, if they were asked.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

every month it would be great to have a entry for suggstive blog postings-so you can decide and others can post for decision until it is placed for discussion board.

I made some suggestions for posting and had to place in blog entries-they were pertinent and relevant for all-but I prefer the ADM to place as appropriate entries. or go back in the historical data of blog entries and resurrect a topic.

Pittsburgh, Philadelphia schools tout education innovations
Pittsburgh Post Gazette

... most effective teachers to struggling schools for three-year assignments, said Superintendent Mark Roosevelt, who addressed the committee this morning. ...