Friday, February 17, 2012

Meeting at Westinghouse

From the PG:


Questioner said...

Reposting Mark Rauterkus's comments from another thread here:

Mark Rauterkus said...
Well, Westinghouse could close. Hints of this were expressed last night in that the existing debt from bonds to refirb the school would NOT need to be paid back until the building was sold to a for-profit company.

I do not want that to occur. Just saying.

My crystal ball predicted that single-gender would be a ploy from PPS, and it came to pass. The community was surprised. Meanwhile, my earlier suggestion to talk of and discuss fully single-gender options were waved away.

Oh well.

IMNSHO, Single gender could work with PPS if it was done well -- in different buildings / campus locations, city wide, only for 9-12, etc. But, it won't unfold now given these situations.

Westinghouse could move some of its students back to K-8s or even middle schools.

Furthermore, Westinghouse could move its students in grades 10, 11 and 12 to Allderdice if all the Dice freshmen went to Westinghouse.

Prediction for Pittsburgh's future, Intermediate High Schools will emerge as an option.

Even with the North Side, put all the 9th graders in Oliver and the kids in grades 10, 11 and 12 into Perry.

Just saying, they've sliced and diced (pun) it every which way, except this way.

Time will tell.

The meeting last night at Westinghouse was with the tone of 'back to the drawing board.'

I think everything goes back on the table again -- unless they have another hidden agenda. But I doubt that to be the case.

February 17, 2012 8:54 AM

Questioner said...

Reposting from the earlier Westinghouse thread:

"Anonymous wrote:

I personally think that we have to give westinghouse students the best shot at making it out in the real world--genders are mixed, managers are of both genders. Also the "locker room" mentality that emerged when we has single gender suchbas health classes does not serve to make these students compete in the world -- right now in America comprehensive suburban high schools seem to mimic corporate America-- for good and evil. I think the strongest strides pps has made is when the school staffs give the students the support-- schools paying for psats is an example -- to show we care about school and learning-- just a thought."

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

From the article:

"Ms. Lane said a design team is working on a plan for the fall and needs to engage the community."

Read more:

Who is the leader of the "design team" and who are the members currently working on a design for Westinghouse?

When is it anticipated that this "design" will be completed? How much time will it take to put this "design" or any yet to be determined "design" in place? How much money or what funding is in the pipeline to finance the structure and implementation of this "design?" When will training and structure be implemented?

Given all of these unknowns and the fact that students have already lost, in essence, a year of education, there are two questions:
1) How does PPS make up for what has been lost, in terms of education, for these children, and
2) How can they be assured/ensured that not another minute of education is lost due to the implementation process for a new "design?"

Anonymous said...

Excellent, relevant question 11:45!

Linda Lane's quote from the article:

"Things did not go the way we wanted them to go. They absolutely did not ... I do apologize for how things went," Ms. Lane said Thursday night . . ."

What hope do we have that we will not be hearing the same apology this time next year?

Read more: begs the question based

Anonymous said...

They will hire Consultants to get them out of this mess.

Some of the top dogs should be dismissed from top- down that allowed PPS students loose a year of their lives.

And there is an agenda that will eliminate Westinghouse like Mr. Rauterkus stated in his post. This starting to show signs of backroom tactics

Anonymous said...

Fred Logan told Linda Lane at last night's Westinghouse Meeting that the "apology" needed to go personally to the Westinghouse students. He was absolutely correct in that demand. Linda Lane and "her girls" need to look into the faces of ALL Westinghouse students and be given a list of their names so that they are real to them, so that the reasons that they must resign are there in front of them. If they care, they will resign. How can you stay in a position where your admitted "failure" has directly affected the lives of so many under-served children and young people.

Dr. Holley sheds tears when leaving the Westinghouse building because she cares and because many of these youth are children that she has known and loved and taught and worried about and celebrated.

Would Linda Lane and "her girls" shed real tears in the same way or will she/they just move on to the next decision and the next school hoping the results will be "what they expect them to be"?

The Board, all of the Board, need to be with Linda Lane and "her girls" when the apologies are made to the assembled student population at Westinghouse. They, too, should resign as they are the majority that approves all of the decisions of Central Office.

No one should just move on, business as usual, when they have wrought such a travesty on African-American children and their community.

The "Achievement Gap" as it exists in Pittsburgh Public Schools cannot be on a track which predicts that it will take another 30 to 40 years to close.

Anonymous said...

One more thought: How about the Lane/Roosevelt entourage give ALL of this year's 12th grade class equal access to a tuition free ride, for at least one year, at Antioch College, in the same manner that it has been awarded to Christiana Otuwa's daughter for the next four years.

Perhaps, Antioch can give this 12th grade what they missed at Westinghouse. Then they can then move on to futures of their own choosing.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They will hire Consultants to get them out of this mess. Some of the top dogs should be dismissed from top- down that allowed PPS students loose a year of their lives. And there is an agenda that will eliminate Westinghouse like Mr. Rauterkus stated in his post. This starting to show signs of backroom tactics.

Anonymous said...

It is all a part of the Broad agenda. Charter schools will replace public.

Anonymous said...

The wrong person is being called "threatening."

And the money being spent on lawyers instead of being 'out of control' is well under control of Central Office. They decide on how money is spent and it is all to easy to see the evidence that once again it is spent on adult agendas and "cut" when it comes to the education of Pittsburgh's children.

Anonymous said...

The wrong person is being called "threatening."

And the money being spent on lawyers instead of being 'out of control' is well under control of Central Office. They decide on how money is spent and it is all to easy to see the evidence that once again it is spent on adult agendas and "cut" when it comes to the education of Pittsburgh's children.

Anonymous said...

Time to review the Broad agenda. Pittsburgh does nothing & our board is brainwashed.
~part of article, entire article linked below.

"Since 2002, its Superintendents Academy has been preparing educators and others from careers outside education to become superintendents of schools. Unfortunately many individuals who complete this 10-month executive-management program remain completely unaware of the unique challenges faced by teachers, administrators, students and school committees.

Broad Superintendents Academy graduates are brainwashed into believing that charter schools are superior to traditional public schools, high-stakes standardized testing is the only way to measure the progress and achievement of students and schools, and merit pay for teachers will result in higher student test scores. However, much of the educational philosophy of the Broad Foundation, long considered to be anti-teacher union, has been discredited by national studies."


Anonymous said...

From the article:

"Can anything stop the (Broad) foundation enablers? After five or ten more years, the mess they’re making in public schooling might be so undeniable that they’ll say, “Oops, that didn’t work” and step aside. But the damage might be irreparable: thousands of closed schools, worse conditions in those left open, an extreme degree of “teaching to the test,” demoralized teachers, rampant corruption by private management companies, thousands of failed charter schools, and more low-income kids without a good education. Who could possibly clean up the mess?"

Indeed, who can or will possibly clean up the mess that spreading like wildfire?

Anonymous said...

Who will argue these well-made points for those of us who care about what's happening (the demise) of Pittsburgh Public Schools?

(This also from the article is on point):

"All children should have access to a good public school. And public schools should be run by officials who answer to the voters. Gates, Broad, and Walton answer to no one. Tax payers still fund more than 99 percent of the cost of K–12 education. Private foundations should not be setting public policy for them. Private money should not be producing what amounts to false advertising for a faulty product. The imperious overreaching of the Big Three undermines democracy just as surely as it damages public education."

This is from South Carolina. Check out the many other states and the comments of re-knowned educators. This is truly frightening and this month's Legislative Meeting will serve to perpetuate it.

Anonymous said...

Today's broadcast of the Agenda Review set forth payment for Linda Lane's mentor from Broad to move forward with LL's evaluation.

I believe the Broad mentor's name was Barbara B. Bennett. How much is this mentor from Broad being paid to continue the Roosevelt travesty under Lane.

Is there no end to the Broad influence?

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting at WHS, and Im ashame I bought the koolaid from PPS, Crenshaw and Linda lane. now I feel used and I was so glad I attended the meeting and now I realize what a horrible job they did and are doing to our kids. Thank you alumni and community for holding there feet to the fire. We as parents were made to believe not one even cared about WHS but the adminstrators and a few parents.

This meeting showed us that we are not alone and others do care, particularly the alumni and Board members Mark Brentley and Regina Holley. Also I was impressed with the white members of our community that care also, despite the fact that there is only one white student in our school. Thank you.

I have two kids that attend westinghouse, one that is strong and mean enough to handle it the other that is getting nothing out of the experience. I am removing her to another school asap. The school is in a horrible state of affairs and i have be in denial based on promises and promises that it would get better, but it has not.

I have worked for many community orgs, such as OBB, Ymca and HCV and to be honest all three of them has taken advantage of WHS too. I mean who wouldnt be in aww of the money that pps has to offer us or made possible to help our organizations. But now I realize too that I have only thought of my self an hurt our kids.

Anonymous said...

Its time for the Dr. Lane to realize she can not throw anything at Westinghouse and make it work. We all know that Westinghouse and Homewood is one of the hardest areas to get under control. For Dr. lane to turn her nose up at the community and alumni for trying to help is telling of her own insecurtiy. Its going to take the community to do it. This is the only way its going to work.

Can the Alumni please come rescue this school? Help them please.

Anonymous said...

Truthfully, 10:09, it would not be that hard, at all, to get Westinghouse "under control." It would only take the right people, with the right curriculum, the right caring and concern, and the right focus. All children/youth want to be successful and CAN BE when the climate and people are made of the "right stuff." It can happen overnight. Children/youth know instantly when all is "right" and they respond in kind, believe it or not!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Mark Brentley and Regina Holley for comming to the meeing and representing the board and letting us know you care.

Where was Sheally whs house Board member. She does not care for WHS and never does. Her concern is Colfax, linden and obama. If Im not mistaken she went to peabody and has a hatred for WHS any way and is glad all this is happening and Ron Scott of R & S supplies, he can tell you how she feels about WHS.

Also why didnt Randal Taylor speak out on this. Have Randall ever been quiet. It is my understanding that he sat way in the back and minimized him self. Come on Randal gives us your thoughts about the meeting. Is Linda Lane doing the job for your old district?

Anonymous said...

Derrick Lopez was not there either. He told Rick Adams that he was done with Linda lane and PPS. He has little respect for Crenshaw and feels that she was only put at WHS to get rid of the teachers and staff.

Crenshaw wouldnt allow Derrick in the building to take a picture with the media when it was annoucnced that HCV would provide transportation to some students who live further away. Thats when he said he was done.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are many, many educators in Pittsburgh who have the "right stuff" but the are not a part of PPS Central Office Administration.

These educators, the community, and the alumni have what is needed but are prevented from setting things right at Westinghouse.

The Board keeps hiring consultants to do the work that they have been unable to do. In fact, Linda Lane admitted "failure" at the meeting.

Consultants may know alot; but, they will see Westinghouse from a distance. There is no other way to see it for them. They will pass through and pass on recommendations to Linda Lane & Company, but when they go, the implementation is left to the same wrong people. It is clear now that they are not the "right" people and the consultants, unfortunately, cannot transform them into the right people. How many consultants will it take, coming and going, for the community and alumni to take action. We are losing year after year after year.

Anonymous said...

How many people attended the meeting and who made up the meeting. Parents, teachers, students, community people, alumni, PPS staffer etc? Thanks

Anonymous said...

imagin this happening to allderdice students would Dr. Lane have allowed this, or survive this?

Why did this happen to the least of us? Is the community at fault for allowing this, or are they helpless in this matter?

Are the students and the community owed anything for allowing what appears to be a criminal act to occur?

Anonymous said...

The answer is to close Westinghouse and Dr.Lane hinted too and send all this students to alderdice the other school in the east end. This will bind both communities and wake up the district and the city for sure. I dare you to do it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:59

"I was at the meeting at WHS, and Im ashame I bought the koolaid from PPS, Crenshaw and Linda lane. now I feel used and I was so glad I attended the meeting and now I realize what a horrible job they did and are doing to our kids. Thank you alumni and community for holding there feet to the fire. We as parents were made to believe not one even cared about WHS but the adminstrators and a few parents"

There are a lot of people that live in Pittsburgh and care about the future of every resident. I am not a teacher, I do not work for the district, I am white and I am sad to see my youngest go to private school. I still hold out hope That in 2 years they will return to PPS but I am not holding my breath.

I hope you can find a good match fit your daughter, she deserves it as do all our kids. (btw, check out private schools & scholorships, that is how we got in)

Anonymous said...

How about this!

New leader of Atlanta schools, Erroll B. Davis Jr., who is 67, is a product of the Pittsburgh Public Schools.

Wonder if he is a graduate of Westinghouse?

Read more:

"A New Leader Helps Heal Atlanta Schools, Scarred by Scandal"
Monday, February 20, 2012
By MICHAEL WINERIP, The New York Times

“Gov. Nathan Deal and Mayor Kasim Reed of Atlanta knew they had to find someone to clean up the mess. They asked Erroll B. Davis Jr. to become the new superintendent when Dr. Hall left at the end of June.”

“Mr. Davis, who is 67, did not need the job. His wife of 43 years hoped he would not take it. He had nothing to prove.”

Anonymous said...

Yes Mr. Davis is a proud product of westinghouse and an alumni member. His family is still here. He would come to pittsburgh on special assignment and turn the district around and set us on the right path.

Anonymous said...

Is there any administrator at the board that can handle westinghouse?

Anonymous said...

Send Outwa Otuwa or Lippert to WHS and lets see what anyone of them can do with it. They will see that its not a overnight solutions and will take more than the two months they gave Mcniel, Abbot and Bailey.

I would love to see Otuwa Otuwa work with Crenshaw. They would be at each others throats from day one. But guess who would win?

Anonymous said...

I beleive with full board support and the community involved Westinghouse students could thrive. Like Steven Perry said, the CNN expert on High school education, Dr. Lane gave up too easly and simply not be the right person for this job, although she does a great job for non minority kids.

Anonymous said...

*:57 - Otuwa may have authority due to position; but, the odds on favorite would have to be Crenshaw

Anonymous said...

For the record:

Crenshaw is a whole lot smarter than Otuwa.

No contest in a battle of wits, education, and management skills.

Questioner said...

Can't they all just get along?

Anonymous said...

It's not about getting along. It's about competence. None of the Central Office girls or guy (David May-Stein) have any experience in turning around a challenging school. Funny how those who have never done it can tell those who touch children how to do it. Really?

That's the breakdown. If you never had any hand on experience then how can you be the expert who's supposed to provide the support? Central Office administrators can't because they have no experience. That's why PPS brings on so many consultants. Hands on smarts will always win over book smarts.

You go Crenshaw. Do your best for those WHS kids. Glad to know you gave Lopez the boot out of your business in operating WHS. He too had no practical experience.