Sunday, August 1, 2010

Merit pay for teachers op ed

On another post Anonymous wrote:

New Post- Op-ed
Merit pay for teachers is an idea without merit
Excellent teachers excel anyway and the duds will stay duds, argues English teacher DAVID MORRIS

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merit pay for teachers is an idea without merit
Excellent teachers excel anyway and the duds will stay duds, argues English teacher DAVID MORRIS
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“Merit pay's advocates would do well to study the presence of great teaching within the strictures of the current system. They would find a common denominator: intrinsic motivation. That is, great teaching happens for the same reason great preaching, nursing, doctoring, firefighting, policing and soldiering happen -- these and other noble professions fulfill at a level deeper than money.
In the rational world of economic motivation, there can be no explaining why so many incentive-deprived teachers work late, or nominate students for awards, or write college recommendation letters, or decorate their classrooms, or design challenging lessons, or chaperone field trips, or attend summer conferences, or sponsor after-school clubs, or skip lunch to help struggling students, or grade papers on the weekends. And yet such behavior is common.”
AMEN___Now how can we acknowledge, appreciate, and clone this wealth and treasure?
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